30 JUNE 1855, Page 6

Iltbt 31/Amato.

At a Common Hall held on Monday in the Guildhall, Alderman Ke- nedy and Alderman Rose were elected to serve as Sheriffs for the ensuing year. It is understood that Alderman Rose has declined to serve.

At a meeting of the Court of Common Council, on Thursday, the state of Blackfriare Bridge came under consideration, upon a report brought up by the Chairman of a Committee on the subject. It was proposed to spend 39,600L in repairs; but, after a great deal of discussion, a motion was earned to the effect that no expense should be incurred in repairing Blackfriare Bridge, beyond that required to keep the wooden centres in good order and repair.

The Convocation of the Clergy for the Province of Canterbury re- sumed their adjourned sittings at Westminster on Thursday. Besides the Archbishop of Canterbury, nine Prelates—the Bishops of Oxford, Exeter, Winchester, Salisbury, Lincoln, St. Asapb, Bath and Wells, London, and Gloucester—atsembled in the Upper House, and a consider- able number of the clergy in the Lower House.

In the former, the Bishop of London brought up the report of a Com- mittee on Church-extension. It recommends, that before Convocation shall address themselves to the consideration of the subject, the existing anomalies in the representation of the clergy in the Lower House should be removed; and states that an opinion, signed by Sir Richard &then and Dr. Robert Phillimore, has been laid before ;them, pointing out a mode which; With the sapction of the Crown, would be safe and easy for removing these anomalies. The Bishop of London moved that the report be adopted. Thereupon rose a, discussion; the Archbishop of Canter- bury, the Bishop of Lincoln, the Bishop of St. Asapb, and the Bishop of Winchestert epeakipg against the motion, as unwise and inexpedient. All the other Bishops were in its favour ; and on a division they carried the report by 6 to 3. Au address to the Queen was also agreed to, praying that her Majesty will be pleased to grant them her Royal licence to consider of a constitu- tion and, in order that their deliberations may include the clergy of the Northern Province, they 'pray her Majesty to grant a similar licence to the Convocation of the Province of York, and to sanction their communi- cating with that body, with a view to uniting, under her Majesty's ap- proval, their deliberations thereon.

The Lower House bad been in the mean time occupied with a report of a Committee on Church-rates. The propositions made in the report are adopted from the recommendation of the Commissioners appointed in 1880 to inquire into the practice and jurisdiction of the Ecclesiastical Courts. It is this—that when a vestry refuaes a rate or makes a rate, appeal may be had to Quarter- Sessions, who shall have power either to make, confirm, or quash rates made ; that rates ahall he assessed on the same assessments as the poor-rates ; that all claims to pews shall be as- certained and registered ; and that where competent authorities certify churches to be in good repair, the Queen in Colwell may suspend the law relating to church-rates in respect to them. The report, and others, were read merely. The address agreed to by the Upper House was presented and discussed, but no decision had been come to when the House adjourned.

Yesterday, both Houses again met : the Upper House adjourning early, for some hours, in order that the Lower House might have full time to discuss the address. After long deliberation, in the course of which many amendments were moved and adopted, the House agreed to the address; and it was carried to the Upper House, and assented to by the Prelates. The chief paragraphs finally assumed this shape-

" That Committees of Convocation have sat, and, after careful considera- tion, have reported to Convocation on various subjects deeply concerning the spiritual welfare of this realm,—namely, on the measures needful for en- forcing discipline among the clergy, the extension of the Church, the modi- fication of her services, and the reform of the representation of the clergy in the provincial synod of Canterbury. We are convinced that the full con-

sideration of these subjects is of great moment to the wellbeing of our Church. But in order that our deliberations of these, or any matters which your Majesty shall see fit to submit for our consideration, may be so con- ducted as to give to the Church the fullest satisfaction that, in the mind of the clergy, will be fairly expressed, we humbly submit to your Majesty that the representatkun of the clergy in the Lower Rouse of our Convocation ought to be amended. "We venture, therefore, humbly to pray your Majesty to grant us your Royal licence to consider and agree on a constitution hereupon, to be after- wards submitted to your Majesty." Other business was deferred to next session; and both Houses were prorogued until the 30th August.

The second Drury Lane Theatre meeting of the Administrative Re- formers was held on Wednesday ; on which occasion, the appearance of Mr. Charles Dickens as an orator in behalf of the Association had been duly advertised. The house was accordingly crowded, but was by no means over-full, especially in the aristocratic region of the private boxes. The Members of Parliament stated by the journals to have been present were Mr. Scholefield, Mr. Mowatt, Mr. Apsley Pellatt, Mr. Otway, Mr. Murrough, Mr. Wise, Major Reed, Mr. Layard, and Mr. Tite. The course of proceeding did not differ from that of the former meeting. Mr.

Morley, the chairman, opened with a statement that he was there as an Englishman who had received a great affront at the hands of those who had been intrusted with responsible duties; that change, or revolution, was absolutely required ; that they knew how to manage matters without revolution ; and that what they wanted was " such an expression of pub- lic opinion as should make Lord Palmerston believe that unless there were large, prompt, and sufficient concessions to this great national demand, his place would not be worth a month's purchase ; and, if that were (rum impressed upon his Lordship, depend upon it they might dictate their own terms." They wanted a different class of men in the House of Commons,—men who do not mind being blackballed at clubs, and who are indifferent to invitations to West-end drawing-rooms.

Mr. Dickens dealt very much in the funny style of oratory. He cen- sured Lord Palmerston for his levity, and then retorted his allusion to "the private theatricals at Drury Lane." "I have some slight acquaintance with theatricals, private and public, and I will accept that figure of the noble Lord. I will not say that, if I wanted to form a company of her Majesty's servants, I think I should know where to lay my hands on the condo old gentleman'—(Roars of laughter)—nor that, if I wanted to get up a pantomime, I fancy I should know what establishment to go to for the tricks and changes' (Renewed laughter); also, for a very considerable host of supernumeraries,' to trip one another up in that contention with which many of us are familiar, both on these and on other boards, in which the principal objects thrown about are loaves and fishes." ("Hear !" and larsehter.)

Having continued in this strain for some time, Mr. Dickens stated his own position in relation to the Association—

"Sir, as this is the first political meeting I have ever attended, and as my trade and calling is not associated with politics, perhapa it may be useful for me to show how I came to be here, because reasons similar to those which have influenced me may still be trembling in the balance in the minds of others. I want at all times in full sincerity to do my duty by my country- men. If I feel an attachment towards them, there is nothing disinterested or meritorious in that, for I can never too affectionately remember the con- fidence and friendship that they have long reposed in me. My sphere of action, which I shall never change, I shall never overstep further than this, or for a longer period than I do tonight. By literature I have lived, and through literature! have been content to serve my country ; and I am per- fectly well aware that I cannot serve two masters. In my sphere of action I have tried to understand the heavier social grievances, arid to help to set them right." In the House of Commons he had the smallest faith. "I will merely put it to the experience of everybody here whether the House of Commons is not occasionally a little hard of hearing—a little hard of hear- ing, a little dim of sight, a little slow of understanding; and whether, in short, it is not in a sufficiently invalided state to require close watching, and an occasional application of sharp stimulants; and whether it is not capable of considerable improvement? I believe that, in order to preserve it in a

state of real wiefuhiess and independence' the people must be very watchful

and very jealous of it ; and it must have its memory jogged and be kept awake when it happens to have taken too much of the Mi- nisterial narcotic : it must be trotted about, and must be hustled and

pinched in that friendly way, as is the usage in such cases." (Laughter.) fie could supply one or two eases of mismanagement himself. "There is, however' an old, indisputable, very wellknown story, which basso pointed a

moral at the end of it that I will substitute it for a new case ; by doing which I may aeoid, I hope, the sacred wrath of Se Stephen's. Ages ago,

a savage mode of keeping accounts on notched sticks was introduced into the

Court of Exchequer, and the accounts were kept much as Robinson Crusoe kept his calendar on the desert island. In the course of considerable revo- lutions of time, the celebrated Cocker was horn, and died. Walkinghame, of the Tutor's Assistant, well versed in figures, was also born, and died, a multitude of accountants, bookkeepers, and actuaries were born, and died. Still official routine inclined to these notched sticks, as if they were the pillars

of the constitution ; and still the Exchequer accounts continued to be kept- on certain splints of elm wood called tallies.' (" Her!") In the reign of

George the Third an inquiry was made by some revolutionary spirit, whether pens, ink, and paper, and slates and pencils, being in existence, this obstinate adherence to an obsolete custom ought to be oontinued, and whether a change ought. not to be effected. All the red tape in the cauntry grew redder at the bare mention of this hold sad original con- ception, and it took till IVA to get these sticks abolished. (Laughter.) In 1834 it was found that there was a considerable accumulation

of them; and the question then arose, what was to be derte with such worn- out, worm-eatent rotten old bits of wood ? I dare say there was a vast

amount of minutmg, memoranduming, and despatch-boxing on this mighty subject. The stioks were housed at Westminster; and it would naturally occur to any intelligent person that nothing could be easier than to allow them to be carried away for firewood by the miserable people who live in that neighbourhood. However, they never had been useful, and official routine required that they never should be ; and so the order went fort-14 that they were to be privately and confidentially burnt. (Letsekter and cheers.) It came to pass that they were buret in a stove in the House of Lords. The stove, avergorged with thew preposterous sticks, set e to the panelliag ; the panelling set fire to the House of Lords ; the House of Loraa set fire to the House of Commons; the two houses were reduced to ashes; architects were called in to build others; we are now in the second million

of the cost thereof; the national pig is not nearly over the stile yet, and the little old woman, Britannia, hasn't got home tonight. (Loud laughter and cheers.) Now, I think we may reasonably remark, in conclusion, that that all-obstinate adherence to rubbish which the time has long outlived is eere tan to have in the soul of it more or less that is pernicious and destructive, and that will some day set fire to something or other, which if given boldly to the winds would have been harmless, but which olistiaately retained 16 ruinous." (Cheers.) The close of the speech was still quaint but more serious. "Said the noble Lord at the head of the Government, when Mr. Layard asked him for his motion, 'Let the honourable gentleman find a day for himself.' ("Shame, shame ! ")

Now in the names of all the gods at once, Upon what meat does this our Caw feed

That be is grown so great?' (Loud cheers.) If our Ctesar wilt excuse me, I would take the liberty of re- versing that cool and lofty sentiment, and I would say, 'First Lord, your duty it is to see that no man is left to find a day for himself. See you, who take the responsibility of Government, who aspire to it, live for it, intrigue for it, scramble for it, who hold to it tooth and nail when you can get it, see yen that 110 man is left to find a day for himself. In this old country, with its seething, hard-worked millions, its heavy taxes, its swarms of ignorant, its crowds of poor, and its crowds of wicked, wo the day when the dangerous man shallfind a day for himself, because the head of the Government failed in his duty in not anticipating it by a brighter and a better one. (Great cheering.) Name you the day, First Lord; make a day, work for a day, beyond your little time, Lord Palmerston ; and history in return may then—not other- wise—find a day for you ; a day esgaally associated with the contentment of the loyal, patient, willing-hearted English people, and with the happiness of your Royal Mistress and her fair line of children.'" (Loud and protracted cheering.) The other-speakers were Mr. Torrena M'Cullagh and Mr. Layard. No resolutions were moved.

At the weekly meeting of the Geographical Society, on Monday, two interesting papers were read : one by Mr. Sawkins, on the volcanoes in the island of Hawaii ; the other by Captain Collinson, of the Enterprise, detailing his prooeedings in the Arctic Seas. Much of the interest of this voyage has been superseded by the discoveries of Captain M'Clare and Dr. Rae. Yet it is recorded of the Enterprise that she penetrated the farthest Eastward, and approached the nearest to the spot reached by the Recta in 1819. It is also remarked that one important consequence of her voyage has been the extension of the whale-fishery through Behring's Straits to the Mackenzie River, on the shores of the Northern continent. Several eminent Arctic travellers were present, and took part in a dia. ciliation on the paper.

'The Duke of Northumberland has contributed the site for a church at Isleworth, and 20001. towards the erection of the building : the Duchess Dowager has added 5001. to this sum. On Monday the Duke laid the foundation-stone.

I 'A very full meeting of working men assembled on Tuesday evening at the Britannia Tavern, St. George's in the East, to petition Parliament against Lord Robert Grosvenor's "oppressive and tyrannical measure." The meeting was conducted with great moderation.

London has been for a long time relieved from mob agitations ; but the calm was broken on Sunday last. The classes aggrieved, or professing to be aggrieved, by Lord Robert Grosvenor's Sunday-trading Bill, assembled in their thousands in Hyde Park, to see "how the aristocrats keep the Sabbath," At first they met on the grass, and their orators began to hold forth on "this new violation of the rights of the industrious classes." Here, however' In- spector Banks intervened, and informed the speakers that they would pro- ceed at their peril • the Park, said the constable, is not public property, and it is illegal to hold a public meeting there. The orators took. the hint. Others also—one, for instance, speaking from a horizontal position on the grass, another from the branch of a tree—were similarly cut short in the midst of their labours. Thus interrupted, they spread themselves along the drives from the Humane Society's house to Hyde Park Corner, and groaned at every carriage as it came along. "For some time no serious consequences were apprehended, but as the crowd increased the ringleaders became bolder, and the noises and cries of • Go to church,' &c. assumed a menacing tone. Several horses, affrighted by the uproar, ran away. Persons driving in car- riages were in great peril and three or four narrow escapes took place. There were several Peers and Members of the Lower House present ; and Mr, Stafford and some others appeared deeply impressed with the painful ex- hibition of public feeling on this most unnecessary topic." "L.," an opponent of the bill, writing to the Time*, describes the scene. "Attracted by the appearance of an unusually large crowd on the middle drive North of the Serpentine, we directed our course thither ; only to be assailed, however, in common with every other unfortunate occupant of a vehicle, by a running fire of hisses, groans, and exclamations of Go to church!' Drawing up. at the outskirts of the crowd, we first inquired, on seeing a number of Policemen marching off with an offender, what was the caese of this apparent commotion. Go to church ! ' mingled with a volley of whistling and hissing, was the only reply. 'Go to church!' reverberated on every side j and for nearly half a mile the same peremptory injunction, rendered in the fortissimo style of an earnest English populace, saluted the ears of every luckless non-pedestrian. The Police in considerable numbers were posted at each side of the road ; but they were only able to prevent personal violence, the vociferation and the 'chaffing' they were utterly in- competent, and probably not very desirous to quell."

The affairs of Strahan, Paul, and Bates, are now under the consideration of the Court of Bankruptcy and the Bow Street Police Magistrate. On Monday, a meeting was held before Mr. Commissioner Evans, for proof of debts and choice of assignees ; the petitioning creditor being Mr. Tatham, proctor, Great Carter Lane, who claims 16941. balance of account. Several counsel appeared : Mr. Chidley for the Marquis of Clanricarde, Lord Galway, and other creditors, the aggregate in amount being about 250,0001.; Mr. Linldater for Sir Lucius Curtis and other creditors; and Mr. Cooper for se- veral noblemen. To mitigate the extreme pressure in the Court, Mr. Abra- ham the Registrar took proofs in another room. The balanoe-sheet showed that the gross debts against the firm, irrespective of securities, amount to 680,000/. The assets were estimated in round numbers, at 150,0001. or 160,0001., without reference to the large sums advanced on foreign railroads, and which would represent an item of 276,0001. Through Mr. Parry, Mr. Bates, the other partners consenting, laid before the court a complete list of all the securities disposed of by the firm. It is a formidable list, and contains forty names, many of them the names of ladies, the total value of the secu- rities being 113,6251. Mr. Barwis, navy-agent, New Boswell Court, Mr. Charles Appleyard, solicitor, of Lincoln's mu, and Mr. Edmund Waller, stationer, Fleet Street, were appointed to act as trade assignees. Messrs. Lawrence, Flews, and Boyer, are solicitors to the assignees ; and Mr. Tur- ilaand, of Old Jewry Chambers, is accountant to the estate.

Among the creditors are—Lord Palmerston, the Duke of Devoushire, Earl of Csrnarvon, Viscountess Melbourne, Lan of Dysart, Sir A. Ashton, Sir 0, Coote, Sir Charles Young, Lord Lisburne, Wadham College, Lord Cavendish, Earl Burlington, Mr. W. Spottiswoode, the Queen's printer, the Duke oF Rutland, Lord I. R. Manners, the Right Honourable C. C. Manners, Lord Galway, Countess of Craven Countess of Verulam, Marquis of Clauncarde, Sir Lucius Curtis, Lieutenant-General Thompson, Lord M.uncaster, Lieu- tenant-General Buller Sir B. Maonamara, Lady Manners, Earl of Bradford. At Bow Street, the buss prisoners were again remanded on Wedneeday until Wednesday next.

It was generally supposed that an attempt would be made to resist the proposal to remand the prisoners, on the ground that the account rendered by the bankrupts on Monday in Basinghall Street would defeat the present prosecution, under the 7th and 8th of Geo. IV, chop. 29, section 52, which declares "that no banker, merchant, broker, factor, attorney, or other agent, shall be liable to be convicted by any evidence whatsoever as an offender againat this act, in respect of any act done by him, if he shall at any tires previously to his being indicted of such offence have disclosed such act on oath in consequence of any compulsory process of any court of law or equity, in any action, suit, or proceeding which should have been bona fide insta- tuted by any party aggrieved; or if he shall have disclosed the same in any examination or deposition before any Commissioner of Bankruptcy." No allusion, however, was made to this clause of the act, probably from a sion of opinion among lawyers as to its applicability to the present case.

At the Mansionhouse, on Saturday, William Berry, a ticket-of-leave man, was accused of picking a pocket in Cornhill. Hayton, an officer of the De- tective Police, witnessed the theft, and gave his evidence. Prisoner- " Here's a fellow for you. Why, this very officer was, Pll be on my oath, trying to prig the gentleman's handkerchief himself. I saw him make the attempt plain enough ; and I at once touched the gentleman to caution hint to take care of himself, when the thief turned round and laid it upon me." One of the Metropolitan Police—" The prisoner was some time ago under my care, a convict in Dartmouth prison." Prisoner—"I know all about it. I was there ; but it was because there was the same sort of false awear1ig then that there is now. If the Magistrates take my advice, they would never believe a word that comes from one of the body." Other Policemen said, the prisoner was well known as a desperate character. Prisoner—. "Your Lordship may depend upon it that these men are talking nothing but lies about me. I never did anything bad yet."—Committed for tw. months. In walking out, the convict. kicked two Policemen sevemli., Having been brought back, he said—" I wanted to punish them a little tfla the lies they told of Me." He was ordered to be tied hand and foot, rine ried out, and committed to prison for an additional month, with hard labour.

Much interest has been excited in favour of an Inkerman hero, William Maynard, of the Forty-ninth Regiment, who is charged with a violent U. sault on a Policeman, who attempted to remove him from St. George's Catho- lic Cathedral, where he was making a disturbance. It appears very probable that, from a wound in his head, a little drink would make Maynard quite unable to control himself: en the day of the assault he had dined with a friend, and it is thought he had taken very little drink : if convicted, he would lose all chance of a pension. He bore an excellent eharacter. Several persons have interposed in his behalf, including Lord Hardiage ; and Mr. Norton, the Lambeth Magistrate, seems disposed to overlook the offence if the Policeman is not permanently injured. Maynard has been admittedte bail.

With a view to benefiting the commercial community, Sir Peter Lim* has directed that Davidson and Gordon shall be prosecuted for their fraud" by the City Solicitor ; and to enable those who have auffered to communkind with Kr. Pearson, the two prisoners were again remanded on Tuesday.