30 JUNE 1860, Page 11

A telegram from Naples dated Thursday gives a list of

the new Ministry at Naples, as follows:— "Commander Spinelli, President of the Council ; Commander de Mar- tino, Foreign Affairs; Signor Del lie, Interior Signor Manna, Finances ; Prince Tensile, Ecclesiastical Affairs; Signor Morelli, Public Works ; Mar- shal Lestucci, War ; Admiral Garofalo Marine. The tricolor flag has been hoisted at the Royal Castle and by the Neapolitan men-of-war, and has been saluted by the guns of the foreign men-of-war in the bay. An illumination took place in the evening."

The French Government has communicated to the Powers that it is willing to accept one of the three following modes for settling its differences with Switzerland :-1. To negotiate direct with the Federal Government. 2. To admit to this negotiation the Powers who signed the final Act of Vienna. 3. To assemble in conference. If a conference shall be determined on, it will very probably take place at Paris. It is quite certain that France will make no cession whatever of territory.— Morning Post.

It is stated that the Swiss Federal Council has received an official no- tification that England has declared, in reply to M. Thouvcnel's note, that she accepts the first proposal of France—namely, the meeting of a Conference.

The Madrid Corresponrkneia diutografa asserts that in conformity with the counsel of their legal advisers, the Count de Montemolin and Don Fernando have cancelled the renunciation of their pretensions to the throne of Spain which was signed by them at Tortoise. [What else could have been expected from the Jesuitical race ?)