30 JUNE 1860, Page 11



A decline of more than 1 per cent has been established in the Funds this week, with, however, an absence of any important operations, speculative or bona fide; there have been some additional sales of Reduced, but these have only temporarily affected the market. The serious apprehensions with re- gard to the crops, and the incessant wet weather, have cast a gloom over the markets, and with foreign politics still very uncertain, the tone remains dull and heavy. Money has been in brisk demand at about 4 per cent, but some large arrivals of specie are announced this week, which will increase the Bank stock of bullion. Consols opened on Monday, 931 931, nearly a per cent lower than Friday, and receded to 931 931 ; at which price they close this afternoon, after ranging between 1. There is a degree now of firm- ness exhibited late today, owing solely it would seem to an improved appear- ance of the skies. Reduced and New Three per Cents, 93 931; India Stock and the Five per Cents shut. Bank Stock, 229 231; Consols for the opening, 931 931.

The Foreign Market has been rather more active, but prices are not any higher. Mexican has declined to 201 211 ; Peruvian Four-and-a-half per Cent, 92 93 ; Ditto Three per Cent, 69 70; Ditto Uribarren, 83 84 ; Ditto Dollar Bonds, 78 80Venezuela Stocks continue heavy, 24 25 ; Ditto Deferred, 12 13 ; Grenada Active, 14 15 ; Ditto Deferred, 4 4/ ; Cbilian, 82 84 ex dividend ; Ditto Six per Cent, 103 105. Russian Stocks are heavy, the Five per Cents at 108 109; and the Three per Cents, 631 64. The public are taking little interest in the New Loan; and it is very doubtful if the amount will now be taken up. There have been some nominal quotations of par premium, and 1 discount par, but there are no actual dealings taking place; the last nominal price is par. Spanish Stocks have Improved, the Three per Cents leaving off 49 50; DittoDeferred 39140; Ditto Passive, 18 19; Victor Emmanuel, 951 961; Sardinian, 811 821 ; Brazilian Four-and-a-half per Cent, 87 88; Turkish Stocks are likewise better, the Six per Cents, 77 78 ; and the New Ditto, 591 60. Money has been in demand in this market at rates averaging 5 per cent.

. The English Railway Share Market has been inactive save in prepara- tions for the half-monthly settlement of today ; quotations have in nearly all cases experienced a fall, although not to any material extent. This


heaviness is only attributable to the state of the weather and sympathy with the Consol Market. Great Western closes 69 691; Caledonian after reaching 93 931, is finally quoted 921 921; London and Brighton dull, 113 114 ; South-Eastern and Dover have fallen to 841 851 ; London and North- Western, 1011 1011; London and South-Western, 931 941; Midland, 1171 118; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 104 1041 ; Great Northern has been heavy, 113 115, and the A Stock, 113 115 ; Manchester, Sheffield, and Lin- coln, 401 41 ; London and Blackwell, 69 70. There is little or no business doing for the next Account this afternoon. Indian Shares are dull, scarcely anything doing in the Market : the last prices are—East Indian, 991 1001; Great Indian Peninsula, 97 971; Bombay and Baroda, 941 941; Madras, 96 961; these are all ex diva end. French Shares are stationary, there being very rarely any signs of animation—Paris and Lyons, 34 35; Northern of France, 381 39 ; Paris and Strasbourg, 231 241; Midi, 20 21 ; Lombardo-Venetian, 1 dis. par. The Market is dull at the close, prices from Paris being telegraphed rather lower.

seminar, TWELVE O'CLOCK.

The Consol Market has opened at yesterday's final quotations, 98 93t. Stocks are firm, but business is still very limited. Foreign Securities are without alteration, and Railway Shares rather flatter.