30 JUNE 1860, Page 19


Messrs. Smith, Elder, and Co. have in the press a new work on China, by Sir John Bowring.

Mr. T. C. Jeaffreson is engaged on a Life of the late Robert Stephen- son, based on family documents, to be published by Messrs. Longman and Co.

The same publishers announce as forthcoming, "Central India in 1857 and 1858, including Generals Rose and Stuart's Campaigns ; " and "The Philosophy of Nature ; a Treatise on the Causes and Laws of Na- tural Phenomena," by Henry S. Boiise, F.R.S.

Messrs. S. W. Parker and Son have in the press, "The Mutinies in Rajpootana ; a Personal Narrative of the Mutiny at Musseerabad, with subsequent Residence at Jodhpore," and Journey across the Desert into Sind, by J. Thomas Prichard, late of the Bengal Army.

A "Crest Book of the Families of Great Britain and Ireland," in two volumes, by James Fairbairn and L. Butlers, is preparing for publication by Messrs. Hamilton, Adams, and Co.

Messrs. Routledge and Co. announce as forthcoming : " Garibaldi's Memoirs, written by himself, and edited by M. Alexander Dumas." It is stated to be the only authentic memoir of this celebrated man issued with his direct approval and superintendence."

A prospectus has just been issued of a Greek illustrated newspaper, en- titled 0 Bretanikos Aster, (The British Star), to be published weekly in London, in the living language of modern Hellas. Its " great object will be to promote the interchange of authentic and accurate information between the East and the West."

The facsimile of a Japanese work on Botany, with interlinear trans- lation and notes, has been brought out by Messrs. Lippincott and Co. of Philadelphia, during the stay of the Japanese Embassy in the United States. The work is said to be a curious mark of Japanese civilization.

The same publishers announce as forthcoming, "A Glance at the Court and Government of Louis Philippe, and the French Revolution of 1848, while the author resided as Envoy Extraordinary, and Minister Plenipo- tentiary from the United States at Paris," by the late Richard Rush ; edited by his Executors. The work is to be in three volumes.

Messrs. Sower and Co., Philadelphia, have published "A History of the Modern Jews," by Samuel M. Smucker, LL.D.; and "The Grain, Pastoral, and Gold Regions of North America," by William Gilpin, late of U. S. army.

"Reports on the Natural History, Climate, and Physical Geography of Minnesota, Nebraska, Washington, and Oregon Territories," by Dr. G. Buckley. U.S.A., and I. G. Cooper, M.D., have been published by Messrs. Bailliere and Co., New York.

The fourth volume of the "Correspondence do Napoleon I," was brought out this week by M. Henri Plon, Librairie Imperiale, Paris. It relates entirely to the campaign of Egypt Messrs. Levy, freres, Paris, have published, "Des Garanties de la liberte individuelle," by M. Edm. de Guerle; and " Solidarite des Droits publics et des Droits prives, by M. Paul Andrei.

Messrs. Amyot and Co., Paris, have brought out " Marie-Antoinette," by M. Monier de La Suzeranne, Member of the Legislative Assembly ; and "Beatrix; oula Madone de PArt, by M. E. Legouve, of the French. Academy.

" Jean de la Roche," a new novel, by George Sand, and a new pub- lication by M. Alexandre Weill, under the curious title, " Si ravaie une Fille &Metier," have been brought out by Messrs. Hachette and Co., Paris.

A work on Celtic history and philology, by Dr. Halleguen, a phy- sician of Cheteaulin, (Finistere), has been published by M. Durand, Paris. Its title is, "Lea Celtes, lee Armoricams, les Bretons; Nouvellee Recherches d'Arcleologie, de Geographie et d'Histoire sur rAnnorique Bretonne."

" Chemin de fer sur la Manche : construction dune jetee de Douvres is Calais," is the title of a curious pamphlet, by an engineer, M. Gustave Robert, which has been published this week by M. Dentu, Paris. The author proposes, in all seriousness, to build a pier, or jetee, from Calais to Dover.

The Memoirs of Lorenzo d'Aponte, the Venetian poet, and literary assistant of Mozart, are about to be published in Paris, by Pagnerre, translated from the Italian by M. Charles Dareste, with an mtroduction by M. de Lamartine.

A translation of Mr. Buckle's " Introduction to the History of Ci- vilization in England," by Dr. Arnold Ruge, has been published at Leipzig.

Besides Ed. About's pamphlet, "La Prusse in 1860," M. Dentu, Paris, has lately brought out one by L. C. Farini, late Dictator of Modena, called " Lettres sur lee Affaires d'Italie."

The Typographical Society of Turin, intends reviving "II Mondo Il- lustrate, Giornale Universale, Storico, Politico, Artistico, Scientifico, Letterario; " The Illustrated World, a Universal, Historical, Political, Artistic, Scientific, and Literary Journal," which has ceased to exist for a long time past. It is to recommence with the third year, and is to be a continuation of the two previous volumes.

At Milan, the Avvocato Bianconi has published a " Memoria Intorno la Corona di Ferro del Longobardi; " "A Memoir respecting the Iron Crown of Lombardy." Nicolo Tommaseo has edited a curious work, entitled "Lo Spirito, Il Caere, la Parole di Catarina di Siena;" " The Spirit, Heart and Words of Catherine of Sienna," a Saint who left behind her a small ascetic work held in high esteem by Italian linguists.