30 JUNE 1866, Page 3

The Dean of Westminster, Dr. Stanley, made a beautiful and

eloquent speech in distributing the prizes to University College, London, this day week. He denied all ground for rivalry between Oxford and the University of London, the need for which had arisen out of the narrowness and exclusiveness of Oxford. Uni- versity College, London, had at least not commenced its life in so discouraging circtenstances of both place and education as University College, Oxford, which was originally "a number of students herding together in the midst of a morass," to learn a dry theology and drier logic. The students of University College, London, had to herd together in the wilderness, though not exactly the mor&ss, of London, for purposes of greater promise, and the Dean referred especially to the hospital in connection With the College, where there were such noble appliances "for the physical, moral, and religions welfare of the patients." The great strength of Oxford had always been that enthusiasm for eminent men• which in the earliest period of its existence made it welcome so heartily Duns Scotus, notwithstanding his barbarous manner, as its teacher. Dr. Stanley recommended the same generous en- thusiasm for eminent men as "the root of all education" to the students of the London College, assuring them that not only sursum corda but sursum monies should be their motto, and illus- trating the latter,—we conclude scarcely the former,—admonition by exhorting them to admire sufficiently the brilliant gifts of their octogenarian President, Lord Brougham. Dr. Stanley's striking speech was marked throughout by the eager moral sweetness of his fine nature.