30 JUNE 1883, Page 3

The fighting between the two English parties, or rather the

wings of the two parties, is now so bitter, that it is positively

pleasant to find a Tory leader standing up to defend the Liberal Government. Colonel Stanley did this on Thursday. The old, endless question whether transport for the troops should always be kept in readiness was brought up as usual during the debate on the Army Estimates ; but, as is not usual, a Tory Minister answered, to relieve a Liberal one. Colonel Stanley po:nted out that Parliamentary governments had to think of cost, and the cost would be something enormous, for if we had not a complete transport, things would be worse than at present. "It was better to know you were not ready, than to think you were, when you were not." As to regimental transport, the proposal to keep it always with the regiment was impractic- able, for till the destination has been settled the kind of trans- port wanted could not be settled either. The Transport Ser- vice could be and should be perfected, but the means of transport must be left to the occasion. That is only sense, and old sense, too; bat, now-a-days, Tories will not even talk sense, if it relieves Liberals.