30 JUNE 1950, Page 20

SIR,—Mr. Pearson displays a really lamentable ignorance of Russian labour

legislation. In the first place he should know that all Soviet workers are issued with Labour Books, which are lodged with the management at their place of work, and without which they cannot obtain employment (Decree of 20.12.38). By this decree sickness benefits, disability and old-age pensions are scaled in accordance with the length of stay at one concern. The law of June, 1940, laid down the reasons permitting a worker to change his employment. legally,. Thus—even more than in this country—there are certain definite obstacles to a change of employment. For leaving a job without official permission the People's Court can sentence a worker to from two to four months' imprisonment •; for absenteeism a sentence of six months' `wages labour" may be imposed, which may involve ';a cut in twages of up to 25 per cent., and which does involve being conducted to and from work under armed guard. There has been no evidence that these regulations have been repealed.—Yours faithfully,