30 JUNE 1973, Page 4

Powells apart

Sir: I was rather puzzled this week (June 16) by your views on Mr Enoch Powell. On entry into Europe, he is the champion of demdcracy. The will of the majority should be allowed to express itself. But on immigration, your democratic principles disappear. 'Another Spectator' refers to Mr Powell's reputation as "an evil force" and does not disagree with it. Yet is not immigration also a matter for decision by the democratic process? Or have you, Sir, joined the ranks of those who fervently support the right of free speech — provided you agree with the speech?

Various African and Asian states have exercised their sovereign rights to expel non-nationals over the last few years and that right has not been questioned in Britain. The comparatively mild criticisms of President Amin of Uganda were of his methods of expulsion, not of the expulsion itself. Nigeria, a few years ago, tried to exterminate the Ibos (with British arms) and her head of state has Just been received here as an honoured (by the government at least) guest. When the Mau Mau were active in Kenya who condemned the racialists who were killing people simply because of the colour of their skins?

One is used to diatribes by the national press on the racial prejudice of employers who prefer to engage British staff and whose own printing and distribution staffs are " white, pure white inside" and out! But it is saddening to see The Spectator joining the ranks of the hypocrites. C. W. Bond 88 Lower Bristol Road, Weston-supermare, Somerset