30 JUNE 1984, Page 20

Inconceivable taciturnity

Sir: Out from the whole world we received letters and telegraphs, in which people support our campain 'Save the Sea- Turtles'. Also a lot of daily newspapers as well as magazines assist us by publishing articles bearing on the point because they have percieved the problem. We are surprised and deeply disappointed that it is Great Britain from where we almost cannot see any reaction, although we have sent you enough information from which it results clearly how thoughless and numb another precious species is going to be exterminated. Your taciturnity in this case is totally inconceivable, especially because the British people are known for being so fond of animals and for their readiness for action for prevention of cruelty to animals, all ahead Sir Prince Philip as the President of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF).

Should the reason for your reserve be, that the Cayman-Turtlefarm belongs to British territory and that your government just like many others (FRG for example) have financial interests in maintaining the trade of sea-turtle products? Of this really turns out to be the cause, it would be very disappointing especially with regards to the loyalty of the British medias, which so far have very estimate reputations. In this context we want to direct your attention again on the fact, that no accepted turtlefarm anywhere on the globe ever existed, because up to now there has been no person able to manage to have a bred in captivity sea-turtles.

Peter Pueschel

Romerstrasse 2, 7015 Korntal-MtInchingen, West Germany