30 MARCH 1844, Page 19



On the 15th March, at the Rectory, West Kington, the Wife of the Rev. Eo. RAVEN- SHAW, of' a daughter.

On the 16th. at Clifton Grove. York, the Wife of Captain DARNELL, of a daughter. OD the 17th, at the Rectory, West Hanniugfield, Essex, the Lady of the Rev. W. KIMBLE, of a son.

Ott the 17th, at Armitage Lodge, Staffordshire, Lady of T. J. Brom Esq., a daughter. On the 23d, at Impington Hall, Cambridgeshire, the Lady of the Rev. HENRY Iltrrcaorsow SWINNY, of a son.

-On the 23d. at Wiuchester, the Lady of Captain THOMAS, Sixty-first Regiment, of a son. TM the 24th, at Hither Green, Lewisham, the Hon. Mrs. SPRING RICE, of a daughter. On the 25th, atthe Ryalls, Seaton, Devonshire, the Lady of Major DAUBENEY, C.B., ofthe Fifty-fifth Foot, of n son. On the 26th, at Lyue Grove, Surrey, the Hon. Mrs. GEORGE CAVENDISH. of a daughter. 05 the 26th. at Dorset Place, Regent's Park, Mrs. GEORGE ANNESLEY, of a son. On the 27th, the Lady of SAMUEL BEcorrr CHADWICK, Esq., of Daresbury Hall, Cheshire, of a son and heir.


On the 8th March, at. Glasgow, WILLIAM, son of JOHN BOTIMMLEY, Esq., of Belfast, to ANNA. youngest daughter of JAMES osso%, Esq. LL.D., Professor of Mathematics in the University of Glasgow. On. the 14th March, at Edradynate. Captain ROBERT Scorr, of the Hon. East India Company's late Naval Service, to MARGARET, eldest daughter of JAMES S. ROBERTSON,

E of Edradynate, Perthshire.

On the 18th, at St. George's Church, Hyde. GEORGE EDWARD, second son of the late Jambs COCKS. Eaq., of Oldham, to EMMA BEETENSON, third daughter of Captain limns JOHN CUARKE.

On the 20th, at St. Peter's, Dublin, GARTSIDE Totems. Esq., eldest son of Thomas Tipping, Esq., of Davenport Hall, Cheshire, to JANE, eldest daughter of ROBERT Fow- 95, Esq., of Rathmolyon House, County Meath, aud niece to the Earl of Erne. On the 21st, at Barley. Hertfordshire, the Rev. HENRY WORTHAM, B.A., of Jesus College, to EMMA, third daughter of the Rev. Dr. LEE. Rector of Barley, Prebend of Bristol, and Regius Professor of Hebrew in the University of Cambridge. On the 22d, at Moucreiffe House, EDMUND, only son of EDMUND WRIGHT, Esq.. of .Maldeth Hall. Lancashire, to HELEN, eldest daughter of the late Sir Maio Mot-r- einsure. of Moncreiffe, Bart.

On the 22d, iu Gorey Church, the Rev. WILLIAM LESLIE DADRA% M.A., to EMILY IfEaRETR, only daughter of R. M. MUGGERIDGE. Esq., of Westmount, County of Wexford. On the 26th, at Speldhurst, Kent. Home GORDON, Esq., only son of Sir Orford Gor- don, Bart.. to Email+, youngest daughter of the late B. BARNEWALL. Esq., of Weymouth Street, Portland Place.

`Ou the 27th, at St. Margaret's, 'Westminster, Jour, Cox, Esq.. Gorgie Mills, Ulu- bergh, to MARGARET, eldest daughter of J. R. M'CuLuma, Esq.


On the 29th December, killed in action at Maharajpoor, Lieutenant-Colonel EDWARD SANDERS, C.B., of the Bengal Engineers. Deputy Military Secretary to the Govern- ment of India. He had volunteered during the day, and tell while leading a body of her 'Majesty's Fortieth Regiment to charge a buttery of the enemy's gins.

Onthe 8th March, at Carnaville, near Moynalty, County Meath, Mrs. M'Manort; in her 113th year. She was the mother of 8 children, grandmother of 56, great-grand- Mother of 99, and great-great-grandmother of 2-making a total of 166; of whom 160 are still living.

On the 17th, at Marseilles, Wuamaw MUSGRAVE, Esq.. the son of the late Christopher Musgrave, Esq., and the Hon. Mrs. Musgrave ; in his 39th year. On the 181h, at Hall Place.WastMeon, Hants, JOSEPH SIBLEY. Esq.; in his 91st year. On the 19th, the Rev. WtLUAM GoonALL„ of Dinton Hall, Bucks, and Rector of Marsham, Norfolk; in his 88th3 ear.

Ou the 21st, at Little Bray. Devoe, THOMAS PALMER ACLAND, Esq., brother of the late Sir John Palmer Acland, Bart., of Fairfield, Somerset.

On the 21st. at the Vicarage, the Rev. Drum. CarsswiLL, D.D., F.R.S., Vicar of Endeld, Middlesex ; iu his 69th year.

00 the 21st, at Freybourg-en-Breisgau. HANNAH, the Wife of Baron DE FoRnEcR, and Niece of the Hon. Miss Colored.

On the 23d, at Jersey, the Rev. Roam JONES, D.D., Vicar of Bedford, Middlesex ; in'his 62d year. On the 24th, at Edmonton, Mr. Mu:mum Warts. Oriental printer and type-founder ; is his 71st year. On the 25th, at Langhorne, Carmarthenshire. Colonel Joust FREDERICK Booms's, C.A.. late Lieutenant-Colonel commanding Twenty-eighth Foot ; in his 77th year. On the26th, at Chailey, near Lewes, Sir CHARLES FORSTER GORING. Bart. ; 76th year. On the 26th, iu Down Street, Piccadilly. FANNY, Relict of the late Admiral Sir tiros PARKER..

On the 26th. Sir JOHN GIBBONS. Bart.. of Stanwell Park, Middlesex; in his 71st year. On the 26th. in Russell Square, General ROBERT BELL, of the Hon. East India Com- pany's Service; in his86th year.

Oa the 26th, in Chandos Street, Covent Garden, Mr. Guitar IturrtvErr, one o the old Bow Street officers ; in his 52d year. Ot the.27th, at Tollington Park. Islington, Mr. Tamils Rums, formerly of Lammas, Norfolk ; in his 96th year.

On the 28th, in Southwick Street, the Rev. CuasLzs Wonswoorst, M.A., Prebendary of St. Paul's, Vicar of Audley. Staffordshire, and Chaplain to Lord Palmerstuu. Lately, at Belturbet, Joao M'Varzr, Esq. ; upwards of 100 years (liege.