30 MARCH 1867, Page 2

The four Continental Powers have agreed to advise the Porte

to cede Candia to Greece. Lord Derby on Thursday stated, in answer to Lord Denbigh, that he did not think Turkey would yield, unless pressure were applied ; but the combined action of the Continent implies pressure of a very strong kind. The Greek Government, moreover, has issued a circular denying that it has assisted the discontented even in Thessaly and Epirus, predicting a general revolt of the Christians in Turkey, and asking the Great Powers to satisfy the desires of the Eastern Christians, or if that is for the present impossible, at least " to give the Canclian question the only solution conformable to the principles of our time." The Greek Government admits at the same moment that this would only stave off revolution "for a very short time." We should not wonder if the Sultan fought. Turks do not care very much about dying, and Turkey may as well die sword in hand as die ingloriously of bankruptcy.