30 MARCH 1889, Page 43

The Very Same Man. By Greville Gordon. (Charles Burnet and

Co.)—The man in question turns up three times, and his reappearance after having been once buried is indeed startling. How he contrived to simulate death, why he did so, and the manner in which he committed some successful forgeries, we will not divulge. We never heard of any man contriving and carrying out such a complicated and unusual system of deception. One has to keep a tight hold of the thread to be able to retrace one's steps from the maze. Its ingenuity seems to be its only excuse, and the writer probably means us to infer that it was the roundaboutness of the plan alone which prevented its discovery. The tale is well told ; there is plenty of incident and excitement, especially when the final hide-and-seek comes on, in which the " same man " shows his skill, and again disappears with flying colours.