30 MARCH 1912, Page 17



acknowledge with pleasure the copy of the Spectator containing an article on the excellent and beneficial result of the training to those who were fortunate enough to be members of the." Spectator" Experimental Company ; I also read with interest Colonel Pollock's- statement. The excellent 'showing made by those who were fortunate enough to be present at the gathering held some 'months ago no doubt prompted the Colonel to put again into writing his proven opinion, and one which .advocates of the National Service League will doubtless use in their efforts to gain syinpathisers for their patriotic cause. As a member of the late company' add my testimony to that of those who were present at the gathering and others who were unable, through force of circumstances, to be there. I am glad to be able to congratulate some of my comrades of those memorable months on the fact that the result of their train- ing has enabled them successfully to surmount the first obstacles in the battle of life. I shall always consider the time I spent at Hounslow the most profitable days of my life, laying a foundation and stepping stone for physical and moral betterment. I honestly consider the excellent effects I derived from instruction while in the " Spectator " Experi- mental Company will be limiting and permanent. Perhaps more thanks are due to Colonel Pollock's personality than to any other cause, but those who so generously subscribed toward the " Spectator " Fund may be assured that the mani- fold benefita and influences derived from the experiment are still appreciated by some of the participants. I may say the "Spectator" Experimental Company, imbued me with a love of soldiering which I hope will exist for some Years. I trust my Present feelings will continue and that state known as " fed-

up " will never become real.-1 am, Sir, &c., H. W.