30 MARCH 1929, Page 44

Financial Notcs


WHEN all allowance is made for the numerous adverse influences "operating, the stock markets must be described a, fairly steady. That does not mean, however, that there 143 not been a fairly general-decline in prices, and more especial] in some of the mvestment securities dealt in on Ameri account, while the best-class British investment stocks have been far from firm. It has to be remembered, however, that first and foremost the markets are dorninated at the moment by apprehensions with regard to the monetary outlook, especially in the United States, and during the past week the Dutch Bank Rate has been advanced from 4,1 to sit per cent, which it is thought may be the precursor of an advance at some other centres. Then quite apart from monetary influences, dealings. have been restricted by the proximity the Easter Holidays with every prospect of business being checked further after the holidays, first by uncertainties with regard to the Budget, and second and still more by uncertainties with regard to the Outcome of the General Election at the beginning of June. With some of these factors I deal more fully elsewhere.

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