30 MARCH 1929, Page 47


The report of the Employers' Liability Assurance rporation for the past year denotes continued progress in e company's activities.' There was a growth, for instance, in the premium income for the year of 1917,060, making the total premiuni income no less than £7,083,941. ' In the fire epartment, the 'premiums amounted to £408,560 against 1,640, but the percentage of profit_ was only 11 per cent.

inst 16 per cent. for the previous year. The operations of the year resulted in a surplus of £485,111 compared with £404,009. A further dividend of 2s. 6d. per share, free of tax, is to be paid, making altogether 4s., free of tax, for the year. The sum of .£134,793 is carried to the general reserve. The company's general reserve now stands at £2,490,000, and the general insurance fund at £2,444,776.

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