30 MARCH 1951, Page 16

The Bible and Christian Unity

SIR,—I felt sure someone would write to you in answer to the astonishing suggestion of W. L C. Bond that more intense study of the Bible would lead to a reunion of alt the Christian sects. As no one seems to have done so, may I point out that it was precisely Bible-reading which created their disunion ?

As soon as people were allowed to interpret the Scriptures according to their own fancies, prejudices or craziness, a great many sects were formed, and the unity of Western Christendom, which had prevailed until the sixteenth century, was broken for ever. To suppose it could be restored by further doses of the poison which killed it is fantastic.—

Yours faithfully, HAMILTON FYFE. Rationalist Press Association. Johnson's Court. Fleet Street, E.C.4.