30 MARCH 1974, Page 4

Market mania

Sir: I am sick and tired of reading in The Spectator that the majority of the British public do not wish to be members of the Common Market. You appear to be disciples of Goebbels who believed that if you repeat a lie often enough and shout it loud enough it becomes truth. Many people like myself who have lived through two world wars and served in one of them, see this as the one big step which can be taken in our own lifetimes to make a third world war less Possible. If you and your camp followers of snivelling hysterical pen pushers think that there is no danger of such an event I suggest that you all read Solzhenitsyn's letter to his ex-rulers. That is if you can take time off from your Chaplin-like cavortings in the public eye.

Sydney Norgate

Enderleigh, Brant Avenue, Illingworth, Halifax.