30 MARCH 2002, Page 30

From Mr Francis Reunion Sir: After reading Francis Maude's article

I felt like starting the Indecent party. Maude says that a decent party shows real respect for everybody, whereas I believe respect belongs to those who have earned it by their deeds. Maude says that a decent party must reflect the face of contemporary Britain, while I do not very much care for the face of contemporary Britain.

The fact is that the oiks have won, and that is not going to be reversed. For the Conservative party to transform itself into a choice for the oiks to consider as an alternative is demeaning, and anyway not likely to achieve results.

The people who supplied the Conservative party with its distinctive values have mostly gone. It seems rather shabby to convert it into something entirely different just to gain votes.

Francis Benn ion

Budleigh Salterton, Devon