30 MAY 1829, Page 4

UNIVERSITY or LONDON:A meeting was held on Saturday, for the

distribu- tion of prizes and honours in the Medical Classes, the Professors having finished their courses for the session. There had been one hundred and eighty-three stu- dents attending these classes ; of whom sixty-five were competitors for prizes and honours, and fifty-two had been declared entitled to them. The prizes, gold and silver medals, and the certificates of honours, were conferred upon the successful students by the Marquis of Lansdowne. The lecture-room was filled by a com- pany of between seven and eight hundred persons.

Asvt.um FOR Fxra ALE Ortenass.—This charity was established by Sir John Fielding in 1758; and its object is to provide for friendless and deserted orphan girls, the settlement of whose parents cannot be found ; and at a proper age they are apprenticed to respectable families. Since the institution of the charity in 1758, 1993 girls have been admitted ; and since 1796, 525 young women have returned public thanks and received five guineas each for having faithfully served their apprenticeships. The anniversary of the institution was celebrated on Tues _ day, by a dinner at the Freemason's Tavern,—Mr. Denison, M.P., in the chair' The subscriptions amounted to nearly 4001. The Duke and Duchess of Cam- bridge sent twenty guineas each.

CALEDONIAN ASYLUNI.—The twelfth anniversary of this institution was cele- brated on Saturday, at the Freemason's Tavern, by an assemblage of ninety, headed by the Duke of Sussex. Forty-three children, orphans of men who had fallen in the service of the country, and who were without parochial claims on the metropolis, are reared by the Society. The expense of food, education, and clothing, amounts to only 101. 3s. Id. per annum for each boy. The subscrip- tions collected at the meeting amounted to 5631.

SPITALFIELDS WEAVERS.—These men are proceeding from bad to worse. On Saturday and Monday nights, the silk in looms belonging to several manufac- turers was cut and destroyed, without the offenders being detected ; and the seal- ing up of the work has been carried to a great extent. Though the actual trans- gressors in cutting the webs have not been traced, seven men were arrested on a charge of having endeavoured, by threats and intimidation, to compel Mr. Moore to alter the mode of carrying on his trade, and to adopt the measures to which the weavers had agreed at the meeting at Temple Mills. These men called upon him on Friday, and urged Mr. Moore to accede to their views, otherwise they would not answer for the safety of his work. He peremptorily refused to comply with their dictation, and in the evening his work was sealed. Mr. Moore was equally firm at an interview on Saturday ; and at night the silk in two of his looms was cut. The case was judicially investigated at Worship-street office; and the weavers were defended by Mr. Phillips. The Magistrates convicted all the de- fendants, and sentenced them to three months' imprisonment and hard labour. Against this sentence an appeal has been entered. Mr. Moore, on Wednesday afternoon, sent two of his foremen to the house of a eaver to bring .away his silk. They were accompanied by three of the Bow- street patrol, and followed by a mob of upwards of five hundred weavers. On their rettu u with the silk, they were assailed with vollies of brick-bats and stones. wo other officers came to their aid ; but the riot assumed a desperate aspect, and all the officers were severely and dangerously wounded. The officers, how- ever, ultimately made their way to the Police-office with five of the rioters in cus- tody. Four of the officers are likely to recover from the effects of their wounds; but the recovery of the fifth, who was-struck down by a blow on the back of the ead from a stone or a brick, has been pronounced hopeless. Some windows vere broken by the rioters. The five men who were apprehended are kept in onfinement, bail for their appearance having been refused.

SoNavie's ENGAGEMENT.—M. Laporte, it is said, made a kind of fast and loose ngagement with Muffle. Sontag for the present season ; so that if Mad. Malibran

tad produced the expected effect, the former would not, probably, have been hought necessary to the King's Theatre. The Spanish Senora, however, not illing the house in the manner hoped for, the German Fraulein was advertised for he 28th of April, not only without the manager "having concluded the condi- ions of her engagement, but against her own request." In the mean time she indertook to sing at several concerts, which M. Laporte wished to prevent ; but she refused to violate her engagements, and at length obtained her own terms.— llarmonicon.

LIBEL—In the case of Viscount Itabayana, the Brazilian ambassador against the Morning Journal, for libel, Mr. Brougham moved the Court of King's Bench on Wednesday to have the rule for a criminal information made absolute. Sir James Searlett, for the defendants, expressed their regret that they should have given publicity to imputations which were unfounded. Mr. Brougham expressed him- self satisfied; and the rule was discharged, the defendants paying costs.

In the Court of King's Bench, Dublin, on Tuesday, the rules for criminal infor- mations against the proprietors of the Star of Brunswick and Mirder newspa- pers, for libels on Captain and Lady Agnes Byng, were made absolute. ANNUITIES TO IssoLvEsars.—In Is.26, Richard Best, an insolvent, was dis- charged in the Insolvent Debtors Court, of debts to the amount of 140001. In 1828, a relative died and left him a large annuity, under an express stipulation that it was not to be liable for any debts which he either had or might contract. The creditors applied to the Court of Chancery to have a portion of the annuity set apart for the liquidation of their claims on Best ; and the Lord Chancellor referred the question to the decision of the Commissioners of the Insolvent Court. The Chief Commissioner on Saturday decided that under the Insolvent Act the annuity passed to the creditors ; and directed that 2501. a year should be set aside for the payment of the bankrupt's debts.

In the Insolvent Court, on Wednesday, Joseph Manton, the celebrated gun. maker, was discharged of debts tothe amount of 20,0001.

Me. O'CONNELL—This gentleman has issued an address to the electors of Clare, soliciting their suffrages at the next election. It contains abundant persua- sives to both Catholics and Protestants to return him to Parliament. There is no Irish grievance for which he is not to attempt to procure a remedy. The repeal of the Disfranchisement Act, the clause in the Relief Act affecting monastic in- stitutions, a diminution of the exactions, and an equitable distribution of the re- venues of the Established Church between the poor and the labouring part of the Protestant clergy, are some of the Irish subjects to which his attention is to be directed. He is to labour to " clean the Augean stable of the law;" and the " accursed" monopoly of the East India Company, the corn-laws, and various other grievances, are to find in him an uncompromising enemy ; whilst he is to be a zealous: advocate for Parliamentary reform, by abolishing rotten boroughs, and extending the elective franchise to every one who pays taxes. The House of Commons, he says, has unjustly and illegally deprived him of the right conferred on him by the people of Clare ; and as to the electors is "due the glory of con. verting Peel and conquering Wellington," he calls upon them to wipe assay the injury inflicted on him, and the insult offered to themselves by " unworthy mini- sterial dexterity."

Mr. O'Connell's friends in Dublin are on the alert. At a meeting on Sunday, it was determined that an aggregate meeting should be called, and a sum voted from the old rent, to assist in defraying the expenses of his election. Another meeting was held next day, and a Committee appointed to sit from day to day to secure his return. Able men are to be sent to Clare to look to the registra- tion of the freeholders.

Mr. O'Connell, who was black-balled last week at Brookes's, was on Thursday elected a member. It is not doubted that the two black beans last week were from some of the Cisalpine Club, also members of Brookes% determined to fol- low up their littleness.—Morning Chronicle.

There is some talk of Mr. Leslie Foster being raised to the bench ; and in that event, Mr. Shiel is to contest the county of Louth. He has no interest in the county ; but in his address to the electors, he founds his claim for support, on what be did to forward the common cause of emancipation.

It appears from a Parliamentary paper just published, that the prisoners com- mitted to the different gaols in Ireland for trial, in the seven years from 1822 to 1828 inclusive, was 112,838, of whom 332 were executed.

FIRES.—The Royal Bazaar, and the British Diorama, Oxford Street, were on Wednesday afternoon reduced to ashes. Between three and four o'clock, the Diorama picture-gallery was well attended by company. The last view exhibited was that of York Minster on fire. The exhibitor of the picture, to increase the effect, had a chemical preparation which he set on fire behind the scene, for the purpose of giving a crimson appearance to the flames. A current of air carried the burning liquid in contact with some slight wooden material; a loose scene next caught fire ; and in a few minutes the whole was in a blaze. The Diorama was only divided by a thin partition from the stands. The company who were viewing the pictures, and those who were promenading the walks, quickly escaped to the street. The proprietors of the stands strove to save some of their pro- perty; but their efforts were useless. Twenty minutes after the fire broke out, the building was one sheet of flame; and by five o'clock, the Bazaar with all the valuable property it contained was a heap of ruins,—not 20/. worth of pro- perty having been preserved. The Bazaar was the property of Mr. Hamlet, jeweller, who is insured for 10,000/. ; but the total loss is estimated at 50,0001. or 60,000/. ; and some of the persons who occupied stands are ruined by the calamity. One of the occupants, a young woman, was personally hurt by the flames, and her life is said to be in danger from the fright.

At an early hour on Thursday morning, a house in Adam Street, Adelphi, was discovered to be in flames; but the fire was subdued without much damage. An infirm clergyman, nearly eighty years of age, was rescued by the intrepidity of the firemen.

On Thursday morning, the house of Mr. Griffith, Penton Street, Pentonville, was burnt to the ground. The retreat of the family was cut off by the flames be- fore they were made aware of their danger; but they were saved from a window.

The Canton Register mentions, that a theatre in the district of Shantak has been destroyed by fire, causing at the same time a loss of sixty lives.

On Tuesday evening, Mr. Kent, oilman, Lambeth Walk, and his wife, were thrown from their one-horse chaise, in consequence of the horse having taken fright. The splinter-bar was driven into Mr. Kent's head as he lay on the ground, and he died on the spot.

TALE OF MisEnv.—On Tuesday, Mrs. Kenyon, an elderly female, wasted almost to a skeleton, was brought before Alderman Garrett, at Guildhall, in con- sequence of having twice attempted to commit suicide at Blackfriars Bridge. Alderman Garratt—" What cause promptedyou to attempt destroying yourself?" Mrs. Kenyon buried her face in the bosom of a fine little boy she held in her arms, and then raising her head, she exclaimed wildly—" Oh, God 1 did I not endure till I could endure no longer? Did I not suffer till nature could suffer no more ? Have not six long weary months passed without ever having stretched my sides upon a bed ? Nothing but the bare boards to lie on ; nothing to cover me and my babes but the rags we had on by day—no, not even a blanket. Did not endure all this l—and yesterday, a two-penny loaf to support five helpless children, my husband, and myself I—Oh, do not blame me ; I could not hear it any longer." Kenyon, turning round to his wife, said—" But you should have considered that your life was not your own, and that the Being who has been pleased to visit us with our afflictions has power to relieve us. I have suffered as much as you have, yet I have endured it; and surely, Mary, 'twas not kind of you to think of leaving your children motherless." Kenyon stated that they were natives of Ireland ; that since 1805, when he came to London, he had served eleven years in the Navy, from which he was discharged unpensioned; and that he had supported his family at his business of a hairdiesser, till the rupture of a blood-vessel laid him up in the hospital for eighteen months. When he was dis- charged the family was destitute, and for the last six months they had struggled with famine and distress. He had a settlement in Liverpool ; but, destitute as he was, he had an aversion to return as a pauper to a place where he had seen better days. A gentleman mentioned that he had seen the woman fall down in Bridge,

street some months ago from absolute exhaustion. Mrs. Kenyon—" 1 have done every thing to support my children. have hawked about half a dozen oranges, when I could get them, but the officers drove me out of the streets, and said I was an impostor." Kenyon—" And day after day have I walked about from six in the morning until ten at night without being able to earn a sixpence. I have tried to get a place as a porter; I have tried every thing ; yet, Mary, all our sufferings were nothing compared to appearing before our God unsent for." The Alderman and some gentlemen who were present, administered to the present wants of the sufferers.

On subsequent inquiry, it was found that the wretched state of the woman and children, at least, bad not been exaggerated ; and several individuals have proved kind to her,—having brought money to her house, and sent small sums to the Alderman. It appeared, however, from a statement the woman made to the magistrate on Thursday, that the condition of the family might fairly be ascribed to the husband's propensity to liquor. He was her second husband, and they

were married about seven years; she was ready to swear that for the last six of these she had not received him, towards the support of her family, a guinea altogether. She committed to the Alderman's care the money she had received, requesting that he should keep it till a plan was arranged for her future welfare.

Another case of distress,was heard at Union Hall. Charlotte Cave, a stranger, who had been deserted by her husband, had pawned some bed-clothes from her furnished room, to buy food for herself and an infant which, when the officer apprehended the mother, appeared to be sinking under want and an inflammation of the lungs. All her property was one half-penny. The Magistrate wished the landlady to forego the charge. "I will not," said the inexorable complainant ; "if she cannot make good the things, let her be. punished." The poor woman was remanded ; but in a short time Fowler the officer paid the trifle for which she pawned the articles, and procured her discharge.

MaNstavoirrea.—William Parkinson has been examined at Worship-street office, on the charge of having killed a man nearly five years ago. He was ap- prehended on the finding of a coroner's jury ; but had till Friday last always eluded detection. The prisoner is between sixty and seventy years of age. TOE FIRE AT CHELSEA.—J. Butler was again examined at Queen-square Office on Monday. Mr. Sellers, chemist, stated that on the day previous to the fire two little girls came to his shop and bought a phosphorus box. James James, a boy about eleven years of age, who was in the shop at the time, identified the girl. They are the prisoner's sisters. The Magistrate did not examine them ; but they are in the mean time separated from their father, till it be determined what course it will be prudent to adopt towards them. Some other witnesses were examined on Thursday, whose evidence goes to implicate the prisoner. He was again remanded.

ROBBERIES.—TWO gentlemen came to Union-hall office on Monday, and com- plained that their houses had been robbed of considerable property. One of them, who resided in Gloucester-street, Newington, stated that scarcely a night passed in which houses in that street were not entered by thieves. His own house had been robbed of plate and clothes to the amount of 1001.; and though the watchman saw the thieves leaving the house with bundles, he never attempted to stop them. Another gentleman, residing in the same street, stated that a few nights ago, his house had been robbed of 801. worth of property.

Thomas Middleton, formerly a Serjeant of Marines, was on Tuesday committed for trial from Bow-street, for stealing money-letters. He had detained three letters addressed to private soldiers, which contained money remitted by their friends ; and it was found that he had also detained a number of letters intrusted to him to forward, in order that he might keep the postage.

Alfred Smith was committed for stealing some books in sheets from Mr. Ridg- way, the publisher, which he offered for sale to a cheesemonger ; and for having detained a great many newspapers addressed to persons in various quarters of the globe, the money for the postage of which he had embezzled.

SLAVE Taane.—The five Spaniards mentioned last week as having been cap- tured by Captain Loader of the Seppings, on board of the slave ship of which he took possession, have been committed to Newgate for trial.

STOCK EXCHANGE DEFAULTER.—A stockbroker, who formerly held a situation in the War-office, and who to the present time has enjoyed a pension of 100/, absconded last week, it is supposed for America. As he had for some years been accustomed to transact the little business of the domestics in several noble fami- lies, as well as for the clerks in the public offices, it is impossible to calculate upon the dismay and distress this event has caused. A domestic, who lids for many years been in the service of a noble lord, had intrusted to the fugitive nearly 1000/. for investment, the savings of his whole life, all of which is of course lost. The calamity had so great an effect upon the poor man that lie terminated his ex- istence on Sunday.—Times.

It has been discovered that money intnssted to him, amounting to 14,0001. has been used to cover some speculation entered into by the defaulter. Hopes are entertained of an adjustment.—Morning Chronicle.

KENSINGTON MuRDER.—The Magistrates have persevered in searching out all the circumstances connected with the murder of Sarah Waite. The evidence of the woman who passed the night in Birmingham's room, has become material. She now says, that after Birmingham had been in bed with her a short time, he got up and dressed himself in his fustian stable dress, and as he left the room, he put on his cap, and took up a knife which had been lying on the table. She saw no more of him until five o'clock in the morning, when he returned. She then asked him if she should get up ; but he said "No; lie still until six o'clock." It seems, too, that she had had an interview with Lieutenant Ives, the prisoner's master, who had promised to reward her handsomely if she got Birmingham off.

Mr. Melrose, the theatrical singer, was stabbed on Saturday night, as he was passing along King-street, Covent-garden. The instrument entered his side as far as the hip-bone; but the wound was not dangerous. the unknown perpetrator escaped.

The quack, Van Butchell, was brought to the Court of King's Bench on Sa- turday, on a writ of habeas corpus. The evidence given on the inquest into the death of Mr. Arthur having been read, the Lord Chief Justice held him to bail for trial, in the sum of 4001.

On Thursday week, William Norburn murdered his brother, a nail-maker in Sheffield, by thrusting apiece of hot iron into his side. He has been committed for trial.

ROBBERIES.■OR Friday night, the house of Mr. Andrews, Old Compton-street, was entered by two thieves. Having possessed themselves of ten sovereigns which were in a box in the parlour, they went down to the kitchen, where Wil- liam Andrews was sleeping; and, in taking his watch, which was hanging over his head, one of the villains dropped it. He awoke, and seeing two strange men in the room, jumped out of bed, seized a poker, struck one of the villains, and collared him. In the scuffle Andrews was severely cut across the wrist with .a razor, and compelled to loose his hold. The thieves then escaped.

Tile house of Mr. Daniel Grant, Mosley-street, Manchester, was on Sunday night robbed of plate and jewellery valued at 10001.

A carrier was robbed on Saturday night on Epsom-common. The robbers having knocked him down, stuffed his mouth with tobacco, and took front bins 81. in gold and silver, and the half of a 501. note. SUICIDES.— A gentleman, unknown, shot himself on Monday evening, in Ken. sington Gardens. Earl Grosvenor, who was walking near the spot, had the body immediately removed to Mount-street Workhouse. Though signs of life were perceptible, there was no hope of saving him, as his head was completely shattered by the force of the explosion. The Book of Fate, translated from the German, was found in his pocket, in which was the name of "Thomas Colbatch, aged 25," written in pencil; and it is supposed that he had been consulting the book re- specting his future destiny, from the marks in the pages. On Wednesday morning, a young man rosined Martin, was found dead at the entrance of Greenwich Park. His arm was severed with a razor which lay beside the body.

On Tuesday week, C. Lewis, residing in Lancaster-street, Burton-Crescent, entered his daughter's bed-room in the morning, and exclaimed—" Oh, Jane, they will hang me, your mother, and all of us to-morrow morning ; but I will prevent it." The unhappy man then wounded himself in the throat. The knife was wrested from him by his daughter and a female lodger; he seized another knife, which they also wrested front him ; but the maniac became outrageous, rushed to the kitchen, laid hold of a third knife, and cut his throat from ear to ear.

A cart was stopped on Wednesday night at a toll-bar in Southwark, because the driver refused to pay the dues. The patrol searched the cart, on suspicion that it contained stolen property. Its contents were three dead bodies,—one of them that of an old man, and time others those of two young men. They were taken to the dead-house, and the driver was sent to prison.

At the Chelmsford Petty Sessions on Friday, four men were put upon their trial on the singular charge of having broken out of the poor-house at Great Wal- tham, and wilfully and maliciously supported themselves by their own labour. The prisoners had, during the winter, been inmates of the poor-house. About a week since, having obtained employment, they requested permission to leave the house. This was refused, and they in consequence absconded. Such an offence was not to be overlooked ; and the constable accordingly apprehended them a t their work ; " for," said the overseer, " we have supported them six months for their pleasure, and we will support them the other six months for our own. If we allowed paupers to leave the house in summer, we should be deluged with them in winter." The Chairman said this was rathera novel doctrine; and as he was not aware of any law to prevent a man's working, the prisoners were dis- charged. A person at Shoreham, who rents of the Commissioners a portion of the river within the harbour, for the purpose of laving his oysters to fatten, having missed considerable quantities from his beds, without being able to discover the offender, at length hit upon the following stratagem for his detection :—At the receding of the tide, the oysters are generally left exposed upon the beds, at which period the shells are usually found partly open ; when he provided a number of small scraps of paper, upon which he wrote his name, and dexterously inserted them between the half-opened shells, which were instantly closed by their delicious tenants. On the following day some oysters were purchased of a retailer of fish, on whom some suspicion rested, and opened in the presence of several persons, when many of them were found to contain the owner's name legibly written on the scraps of paper : in consequence of which the man was apprehended, and subse- quently committed to take his trial for the offence.—Sussex Advertiser.

FASHIONABLE PARTIES.—On Saturday, the Marquis of Lansdowne entertained a distinguished party at dinner. On Sunday, the Duke of Grafton and Lord Yarborough had grand dinner parties. On Monday, Prince Leopold gave his first grand entertain- ment this season to a very numerous party. The Countess of Jersey had a grand as- sembly. On Tuesday, the Earl and Countess of Jersey entertained Prince and Princess Lieven, and a distinguished party, at dinner. Mrs. Beilby Thompson grave agrand ball and supper. Mrs. Thomas Chaplin gave a splendid rout. The Marquis of Stafford, Lord Anson, Hon. Thomas Grenville, and the Hon. Mrs. Pelham, had grand dinner parties. Lady Ducie entertained a large party in the evening. Lady Elizabeth Fielding gave agrand ball and supper. On Wednesday, Mrs. XV. Camac had a grand assembly. Earl Gower entertained a large party at dinner. arcs. Edward Dawkins had a grand musical party. Wilbraham Egerton, Esq. entertained a distinguished party at dinner. The Hon. Mrs. Pelham had a grand dinner party. Mrs. Shaw Lefevre had a dinner party. The Dowager Marchioness of Salisbury had a grand assembly. Almack's was at- tended by upwards of five hundred, including the officers in full uniform who attended the grand review in the morning in Hyde Park. On Thursday, the Marchioness of Hert- ford gave a grand dinner to the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester, and a party in the even- ing. Viscountess Keith gave a grand ball and supper. The Duke of Grafton entertained a large party at dinner. The Earl of Mansfield, Lord Yarborough, Lord Belgrave, Mrs. Montague Burgoyne, the Hon. Mr. Keppel, and Mr. Cootes, gave gaud dinner parties. !she Duke and Duchess of St. Albans gave a grand entertainment in the evening. The Earl of Essex entertained the Duke of Norfolk and a distinguished party at dinner. On Friday, the Countess of Wemyss gave a grand ball and supper. The Countess of Essex entertained a large party in the everting. Mrs. Blake gave a ball. Lord Bexley had a grand dinner party. The Ear lof Carnarvon, Mr. Cootes, Mr. Wilbraham Egerton, The Earl of Aberdeen, the Hon. Mr. Keppel, Mr. Edmund M`Donnell, the Countess of Antrim, and Lord Dynevor, had dinner-parties.

ELDON TErwmorcsAt..—Some of Lord Eldon's admirers have set on foot a sub- scription for a "testimonial" to commemorate his public services. The suns sub.

scribed by each person is limited to 20/. The list is already graced by many noble names.

Sr. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL.—The Ultra-Protestant journals have found out that, since the passing of the Catholic Bill, the material as well as the figurative church is in danger. They have teemed, during the last week, with accounts of the

dilapidated state of St. Paul's, and of an alarming "crack" in it from the cross downwards ; asserting, at the same time, that a large sum is about to be ex- pended in cleaning its exterior—a very unprofitable waste of money, we appre- hend, to be laid out upon an edifice already tottering to its base. It is hardly necessary to say that there is not one syllable of truth in either of those stories. St. Paul's Cathedral is as firm and sound in its timbers and in all its parts as

when Sir Christopher Wren completed it, little more than a century ago; and although a large sum was laid out about two years since in cleaning tne interior, so absurd an idea as washing its outside has, we can affirm, never entered any

other heads than those of the alarmists, nor is there any other "crack" to be found than a most lamentable one in their own imaginations.—Globe.

The Court Journal says that Blackfriars-bridge is in such a ruinous state as to be beyond repair !

The scheme of acquiring a penny each from every person who wished to rest his limbs in a chair in St. James's Park, is likely to turn out a complete failure, the Commissioners of Woods and Forests having given orderstor one hundred and

sixty circular benches to be placed in the most shady situations round the various trees, for the accommodation of the public. A number of the benches have already been fixed.

Officers have been appointed to attend in the enclosure of the Park, for the purpose of apprehending di-orderly persons.

The street running in a line from Regent Street to St. James's Park is nearly completed, and will open in a few days. The Duke of Cumberland has issued orders for the band of the regiment of which he is colonel to attend Kensington-gardens every Tuesday and Friday during the present season. On Friday last the band took their station near the Palace, and continued playing favourite airs from four ill six o'clock in the after- noon.

NORTH-WEST PASSAGE.—On Saturday Captain Ross left Woolwich in his steam-vessel, the Victory, with which he is about once more to attempt the dis- covery of the North-west Passage. but in this instance it is -aid, the exeedition is equipped at his own expense. The steam power employed in the Victory is on a wholly new principle, being so contrived as to combine every advantage of steam power with perfect capability as a sailing vessel.

The Sarah. Captain Chryetie. entered the St. Katharine Docks last week, from Sincapote. with a cargo estimated at upwards of '250,000/. ; the most valuable cargo of Indian produce ever landed in Europe.

The Corinthian. a line vessel of :359 hen:, sailed on Tuesday from the London Docks for New York, bar ing on board upwards of one hundred and eighty men, women. and children, who are emigrating to the latter place.

Arabella Hen rich, an elderly woman, died about a fortnight ago, in Blandford- street, Pomman-square. whose penurious habits were of the most eccetoric nature. She occupied a small room in the 114,nse of a green-grocer, who was

generally induced by her to supply two peon.) worth of meat from his joint, upon which she dined. To her friends she always pleaded the most abject poverty. and trequerely induced persons who called "pop her to send out for coals and provisions, of which she appeared to be in absolute want She seldom allowed her apartment to be cleansed, or even her bed to be made. At her death, money, it is said, amounting to 5000/. was discovered in a cellar and c tpboard, which were appropriated to her use. and Of which she kept the key. A quantity of gold in guineas and sovereigns, was fund in sere al tea-ketles, as d in the cupboard was an immense roll of bank-notes. Several other articles of value were dis- covered ; and between the bed and sacking a will was found, by w hi( h the bulk

of her property was bequeathed to persons living in the city. It appointed the Rev. Mr. Blackenbury. of Woburn-place, Russell-square, her whole and sole

executor, making no allusion to any relations of her own. Her relations have been advertised for, but none have appeared.—G/ohe. One of the pas-enge; s by the Diana. Sugden, which left Hull lately for New York, a miller. formerly residing in this neighbourho,d, took w ith 'him three stones and a half weight of sovereigns! His wits was so much alarmed at the thoughts of making a 1■ifig voyage by sea, that she could not by any argumeut or persuasion, he induced to accompany her husband. The good mail, to alleviate the pangs of separation, and to enable her to " keep the wolf flout the door" in his absence, it the moment of parting counted her out four hundred five guinea notes. Pachet.

When the grave-digger of Ayr, was busied in his vacation, last week, lie was astonished at perceiving the ear* at the bottom of the grave to be on fire. A number of people immediately collected and bore witness to the marvellous circumstance. The flaming earth and stone thrown out actually burnt the grass on the side of the grave. The explanation appears to be, that the earth and a kind of ironstone, which exhibited the phenomenon longest, had been strongly saturated with phosphorus supplied by the bones, and ignited by the friction of the spade or the exposure to the atmosphere —alyr Advertiser. THE REV. E twee D RVI NO.—Nature has put the stamp of notoriety on Edward Irving; and Fortune (sometimes misfortune,) has backed Nature. Every step he takes has something in it to attract more nonce than the act itself &serves. La-t year he acquired painful celebrity by a :ate] accident ; and this year he oc- cupied the attention of the General Assembly the best part of two days, in consi- dering a point to which he, personally, was not of the slightest consequence. It is difficult, or perhaps impossible fur those who have not seen him, to comprehend on what his celebrity is founded, or wherein it consists. Half the mystery is ex- plained when he is seen. I saw hint come into the Court of Se-sion one day last week. Business was suspended for a time ; Jeffrey faultered in his speech—a thing never known to have happened before ; and Lord cut one of his tre- mendous yawns through the middle, a circumstance unprecedented. I went to hear him prophecy, because I had seen him ; and here is the presence of two thirds of his congregations accounted for. It must be confessed, or rather it should constantly be proclaimed, that his appearance is striking, and in some respects magnificent. It has denied him the power of remaining an ordinary man, how- ever mediocre his mind may have been originally.• I have no doubt his mind has been formed by his body ; his squint sufficiently accounts for the obliquity of his intellect. He is the prince of theological coxcombs, and, like Samson, his strength consists (partly,) in his hair. Were he a "priest all shaven and shorn," he would lose half his power, and be shorn of half his beams. Were the thing suggested to him, Clirehugh might make a fortune by manufacturing clerical wigs a la Irving. Had Irving always anticipated preaching behind a screen, he neter would have been any body. Women go to see him preach for the sake of seeing him, and believe they go for God's sake. Irving would be the worst mart in the world to preach to the blind,—indeed he would refuse downright to do it,—hut the best of preachers to the deaf and dumb. He seems to have trained himself for that. He does not suit the action to the word ;—his action disdains the aid of words, and is more than suffic'ent without them. When he talks of cutting, he makes his hand go as Captain Roggado's sword must have done when he sliced a slab front the solid rock to serve as a table. If he allude to a blow, he throws both his fists from him with a vigour, which, if well directed, would floor a couple of pannels of the pulpit. If he mention a struggle, you could swear he had the Nemean Lion by the mane. I know the identical lively widow whom he had in his eye, (the singular number suits well here,) and pointed at with unerring aim, as one of the sleeping virgins. Irving's preaching is the Popery of the pulpit. His audience are idola- ters, and he treats only of the mysteries and magnificence of the Gospel. In one respect his preaching is like Braham's singing—ordinary things he does in a very ordinary way. In explaining the difference between the Catholic doctrine of transubstantiation and the Protestant doctrine on the subject, he made it nonsense, for fear he should do it as other people do it.—Edinburgh Observer. It appears that the Reverend Edward Irving journeyed down to Scotland to take a part in the deliberations of the General Assembly of the Church of Scot- land, as " elder" for the borough of Annan. The Assembly, however, rejected him, because of his being in the exercise of clerical functions. All elders in the Presbyterian Church are laymen for the time being—that is, without sacerdotal charge, for the clerical character is not indelible with them.

Last week, the Tribunal of Correctional Police at Versailles sentenced sixteen young men to short periods of imprisonment for crying " Vice l'Empereur ! Vire la Republique!" and other seditious expressions.

The French papers mention a singular but well-attested case of suspended animation, in a female who had been subject to hysteria. The body assumed all the appearances of a corpse ; and her friends had it placed in a coffin preparatory" to burial. Her physician, however, not satisfied that she was dead, directed that the coffin should riot be fixed down till putrefaction had commenced. At the end of five days, signs of animation became perceptible; the eyes opened, the senses returned. and the woman began gradually to recover. On the '2d May. fifty-one shocks c.71 earthquake were felt in Murcia.

The Queen of Spain died on the 17th of May. This Princess, who was of the House of Saxony, was the third wile of Ferdinand VII. She was bons on the 6th of December 1803, and married on the 20th of October 1819, being then nut

quite sixteen years of age. The King her husband was then thirty-five years of age. The reigning Duke of Oldenburg died on the night of the 21st at Wisbaden, whither he had repaired for the benefit of the baths.

The dealers in saints' bones, and other sacred relics, at Rome, are in high spi- rits at having received information that the King of Saxony has remitted to an agent in Rome the sum of thirty thousand ducats for the purchase of articles of this deerriptien There is a foolish report in a German paper, that Hanover is to be made an in- dependent kingdom under the Duke of Cumberland. Much mischief has been recently item at Leghorn by a violent tempest. Mr. Lushington, the Governor of Madras, was shot at try one of his body guards, and narrowly escaped deshuction. The criminal was secured.

A rumour was current at New York, at the beginning of the month, that Mr. Clay. tie late Secretary of State, had been killed in a duel by Mr. Pope, brother- in-1.1%v to Mr Adams.

On the night of the 29th April, Mr. George W. Adams of Boston, the eldest son of the late President of the United States, in a fit of temporary derangement, eithei fell or threw himself overboard from the steam-ship Benjamin Franklin, while she was sailing through Long Island Sound, to New York. His body was not found.

The Legislature of Pennsylvania lately passed a law, making it penal to circu- late the mites of other States within their bounds. A traveller, hay ing no other notes, mentioned his einharrassinent to a landlord when the bill was presented to him. :a Oh (said the lanoloid). when that act passed, we immediately passed a resolution to tar and feather any man who took advantage of it." Thus in every country men contrive to exist, in spite of bungling Legislatures and bail laws.— Merle try Chronicle.

Temperance is not a republican virtue. It appears from the New York Com- mercial Advt. rlisers that drunkenness had become so prevalent in the United

Shims, that a dread began to be entertained that the whole nation would be con- taminated: Associations for the purpose of producing temperance were formed in every part of the Union, and these Associations adopted very decided measures to arrest the progress of the evil.

WHAT'S IN A NAME P—Air American paper of the 29th ult, contains the fol- lowing paragraph —4 Married, at Fall River, Massachusetts, on Monday morning,

Mr. An C. Fearing, merchant, Boston, to Miss Aldiborontiphoscophorino Cowen. of the former place." The delays in the New York Court of Chancery have been pronounced to be of a nature " scarcely less injin ious than a denial of justice." A report has been prevalent that Sir George Murray has written to the Governor of St. Kitt's a letter, disapproving of the execution of twenty-seven pirates at one time. and stating, that for justice and for example, it was quite sufficient that the officers of the pirate, and one in each ten of the crew, should have been selected.

The Jamnico Cowatet mentions the capture by pirates, of two American brigs of the coast of Cuba. The crews of both were murdered. The Spanish mer- chants of the Havannah and the Matanzas are said to he the agents, as well as the ciders and abettors, of the perpetrators of these atrocities. Several shocks of earthquake had been felt at Jamaica. towards the close of April; but no damage had been done.