30 MAY 1835, Page 9



Our report this week must be extremely barren. The panic has continued since our last publication, with very slight appearances of amendment ; and to-day, which has been the settling-day in the Foreign Market, it has been so great as to put a total stop to business, and to render the adjustment of a great part of the accounts impossible. In this state of things, it is useless to quote prices; but Spanish Stock has been at 50, and the Scrip at 5 dis. ; which may be considered as the nominal closing quotation. In the Consul Market, some sales have been effected ; and the price for money was depressed rather more than I per cent. A slight improvement has since occurred ; but the business has been principally confined to the adjustment of the account, which was effected on Wednesday. Money is more abundant than it has been for some days ; but such is the distrust, thlt this circumstance has not in any way relieved the market.


Nothing has been doing this morning except arrangements for the settlement of such part of the account as %FRS left over from yesterday. C,onsols for Ac- count are 91A. Nothing has been done in Exchequer Bills, and the Foreign Stocks are nominally at yesterday's prices. Some few transactions have oc- curred in Spanish, but in the other Foreign Funds we cannot quote any actual business.

3 -et. Cent. Consols 90i

Ditto for Account 91k

New 3k per Cent. Annuities 944 Bank Stock India Stock for Account Exchequer Bills Belgian 5 per Cents. ex. div 99 100 Brazilian 5 per Cemtts 83 84 Danish 3 per Cents 764 7 Dutch 24 per Cents French 3 per Cents Greek. 1825.5 per Cents Mexican 6 per Cents Portuguese 5 per Cents Do. Regency Scrip,5per Cent

Russian, 1822, Slier Cent

Spanish, 1821, 5 per Cent Ditto New Scrip 5 Cent.— 551 37 90 92 10741084 49 50 6 5 di3.