30 MAY 1840, Page 1


A mon of Member:: met ill the lIense of Commons on Tne:.:!:ty to raise a clamour- against Mr. VILLIERS'S motion 011 the t •orn-laws. They succeeded in preventing discussion. :11.1r. ViLmEits him

and one or two other advocates of free trade, were not molested; but during the greater part of the sitting, noise and tumult pre- vailed, and several Members rose and resumed their seats with-

out obtaining a minute's attention from this ilCi r e body-- these Representatives Of the People of England in Parliament es- sembled. . The landeel gentlenum were strong in numbers as in WO; and 0 majo:ity of 300 to 177 recorded their determimitioa to maintain the existing grievance. The motion Was framed to draw together who might be disposod to consider any' alteration in the law-to unite the advocates of a fixed duty with those who go for total repeal. The minority therefore shows the full force of the Anti-Corn-law party of all shades in the MELeoull E 011',C of Connnotm. Mz:ke ample allowance, hov:ever, for 1!e6:c11!.11 ; suppose the question 110 Ione, r open; dede...t ell the trieme,e, moderate fixed-duty eel; ; :eel there wool:1 still 1,e:mia a bady of sufficient. numerical Ihree-i1 Sal had h:m2sty and courage-to compel the Government, Whig or Tory, to abolish the Corn- laws. In the present state or parties, a phalanx of 0.1e liundr,n1 Members, itieludilig representatives of the p.ineipal nemulact tiring and commercial towns and districts, might make timir own terms with the otlice-hohling or the oliice•seeking thetion. We talk of a hundred--where are tea Members, of those composing the minority au 'Tuesday, who would not prefer the continuance ef the Corn- laws to the possibility of pincher, the MEneorane, Ministry ill peril? Under the.::: circumstances, it may he doubtl'ill win:tiler the managers (If' the Anti-Corn-he.v movement will not deem it a wnste of time, trouble, and money, to make another appeal to the present House of Commons. They may be better employed in finenieg a plan of action 11 w the next general election.

A farce on Thurschly was 1111 appropriate sequel to the semi-serious performance of-Tuesday. The hunted :11110111011 permit;ed Mr. 11 ,11 to name a Select Committee to consider whether foreigo ',meted wheat might not be era/aft/Hum/ in this country into dour for pro-

visioning ships 111i I for exportation I )1r. 1 1:Alan:inn:, and other "large-acre:1 111011," opposed this ,eiehhem: el' trifline; conveasion; 4111 Lord It1.1:10T IN, WI10 Voted v. Mr. Ile'rr, intimated that no measure the Committee was likely to report, v..ottld contain sufficient securiticA against the sning,tlint4 er fore:go grain ;obi home

consumption-the Nine (11111 nou ie• tic support. It is a grave satire upon the 1.....;:•;lature mid Coveroment of this coniare.cial country, that in the year 1'810, the qte•stion should be tii:e.msts1 in

Parliament wiletIe.:r :',Iip:).,viters shall go to if oilmug ilec bread and his:mit, or whether they may be allowed to receive supplies of the :11110 article on Os good terms at bum... Yet .July RAE Reif) toureats the "landed interest" to 1:c liberel to lie: "shipping interest 1" I Lid your vote, Sir Jon a, 110011 .. . C11 t., :\ Ir. ViLnutes-h 1c1 01)11 "stood by your order," instead of eorei]iog

yourFelf in the par.:: \viiich despises titt:ic a ./trefox s---

targreater wooll pewit-dim:nee have III' on it question

commerce. You will fiat when Mr, Herr brings is a hill ilareled an his Commii tee's report, that the " I.1ated inn rest" will 1101 be

liberal to the "shipping interest," and that pear vessels must still

ge to Homburg. 11w their biscuit. U;: 1meaionaely tile ff.:at loci.-

chants who support the Corn-laws are the very last persons who might to receive benefit from their partial relaxation; and the wealthy traders of Liverpool, Bristol, end [loll, who though adverse to the restriethm, yet clod SANDON, MrLita, and JAmEs, to support it, are as little entitled to sympathy and r.dief. Lord Jena RUSSELL pals illthEitteeti his hill to prevent bribery end treatiog at eleetions. lie encountera a preliminary ohjeet ton, not easily removed-What is treating? how will ■ou define it so

.ts to make the act penal " Will you," as Sir ItottEaT t1113.1'1) PreoC,-r. (;It)11:21 „1.,11 ' • II; puoislo ,1 for brIi.e..y sleada he ievite ea!

tru:1;.tej. 1:1/. 011 a 11::.1o,, tb)V. :1 it 111.; 1111:1 .01enCI NVoon declares tie.' a voter 1110....t eot bit e:,.;....ettal to

travel tell or or twenty talks without refivilleacut, at the candidates Yet why should the C. .. .. pey eeTi. -Jaime of a

public duty it' r..enonerwiee ie.. to c,-:n^ 1fnnl :my ela Irtcr, tfk,

cominuaity, ti. atete, in:' •s.es tie: ditty, should make it- certainly not the candidate. this stickling for liberty to be

" hospitable," t,priee-,s from the grit notion, that the choice of a :+dember is a matter of her,:!...,io and sac:--that the elector confers a lmnerit on an individual, a:.1 thereby ecquirtei a claim on his

nurse or his cellar. 1)l),,t):!:•:,, c.)antry eentlenien woehl find their hitt:mace net 1, little !-,111.unktet were tle to be ro more guzzling.

.11,,t let them re:.t :It e ; 1 ard prove harmless.

at cotm

ale „will be as plcntiti1l ns cvc:, anel nu is a: cs ailetli SinritoR1`1,:ti i1111111.&"

The Solieitor•(leneral file Ireland has 1) .11,1:dit in two bills-one

to alnend ti-a, laws reletin,:t; to the registre:i,.a voters, the other to e' line the cle...toral qualitkation. Rah e, , • (00 imperfectly ev,alained ill Om iir:t stage by their le:•rn.: d ale ,• admit ()roc-

ete'ate and tiael'a! critici:ea t nor is it of inticI, ;sequence what

they ere, since they po:a,L:ss no rcality 11t1rp' they help

the r:Iture Lord SIAN- LEY, end is answered.

anwhile. domestic circur)S prcvt nt 1,vvi1 STANLEY front proceteling on the illy appeirded, and the Coaanittee on his Re-

gis!: ,the, I 1s postponed till TIntrade‘ the iene. ,lee 1 lit... ,e'.. C . .. . 11111, eltielt tha

1 ...i.e.. co:moo:a:3 hes eilawed •) be 'Lou ie this v:eetz, VN.411-14 all ia,;wavenient on GoVei*Inir T111,...,(4%.,, 1.. 1: 111.11,:;‘1%!. It pro- viths 11.)r the distrileition of the pr.),:teds of p.•:. (II Cler.,,,y duels

on an ...Tait-able 1, : the (lime!: of hi.1 and the Church

of Seutlaild to het e ea,11 one-foot ; the reeatioiLg half to be dis- n:aong the other religions den-,;.1:i I11 1111.. ineludin;


m:ul ('athoi:L., at the cli:aa.,.ti.)a of lilt, Co..,n.nar an.1 .Exectitive

Council. .,‘Ithough Ill Ernall opposition -aete to the lama). tlueaion of this bill, ;Mr. Go:wino:N., anti Mr.

1 Le `.11'Tilt1, obi ec.; to its1111:111 CatitOrteS participating, in

the fund; and the good-will of the Church oarty could not have been conciliated by 1,0rd .101)-4 Aistinet declara- tioo, that to treat the ellarch of Englend or the ('!lurch of Scot-

land with more favour than other :.eel.-, \V:15 "quite of the ques- tion" ill tipper C matla. Ono of 1110 101W11 nlii1111Ite11 COnVern:11 13:11.1 of '.117.1, whole week was on the subject of the tr,:atment of ;vi t•. FeAttoes (AloNNOR, a pri,-,onur in York C.Istle. It appears that (VCoNN:)a ia pi.isone:1 on the felons' side of tile gaol, and compelled to asso- elate '::i..11 thieves and otlears convicted of disgraceful crimes. exhibitid to the llonle Secretary before removal fr.Ini Lontl.m to Yorl;, 1.1,re:wilted that the disci-

p!iee of Vorl; would seriously,. injure tile privoneVs health : but no notice was Liken or tili.so rep:escntaiion. That the sen- I eeee of (ICoNNott v.15 intended to be cm-lied into effect in such II ere: 1 :::111 degrading Eyeate nobody preteod:.; awl the only cx-

(el.::: is that fork C71stlt. is wider the control wh ) e:eiwee the la Pri.,,,als Act. It is 111:: .19:eg or the

puny creatures who disgrace the Senate with meanness and fill the newspapers with platitudes.