30 MAY 1840, Page 8


On Wednesday, the Lord Provost and Magistrates of Ediaburgh waited upon Lord Beth:teem the Lord high Commissioner to the Ge- neral Assembly of the Church of Scothind, and presented the keys of the city. This ancient custom having been cmnplied with, another, equally agreeable, followed : the Magistrates and a select party sat down to dinner with his Grace.

On Thursday, Lord Belhaven opened the session of the General As- sembly, in the usual iiirm ; and some routine business having been de- spatched, Dr. 3PFarkine proposed that Dr. Bill of Dailly should ho elected Moderator— IIe wits sorry to learn, from public notice, that another gentleman wai to be proposed; which be regretted as interfering with the unanimity which had recently been exhibited in the Assembly, and lee:luso it would have the effect of taking the initiative front a well-known and respomiu. body, and placing it in an unknown and irresponsible body. The mile: mail proposed was admitted to have every qualification for the office, except that be did not belong to the majority. ("No!") Whitt then were the grounds? Ile had never beard them. It had been said it was the question g Non-Intrusion. For himself he would say, that in his own conduct in this matter he Lail not yielded any of the principles he bad held fur thirty yean, arid he knew clergymen within reach of the Presbytery of Edinburgh uko were not called to the meeting in favour of Ilr. APE ellsr, but who would stand, and as truly as any on the other side of the house, in favour of Non-Intrusion.

Sir Charles Fergusson seconded the motion.

Mr. Dewar proposed, and Mr. Buchan seconded, Dr. M'Kellar. Dr. Chalmers spoke strongly in support of Dr. M'Kellar. On a division, the numbers were—

For Dr. MtKellar

1 Dr. 11111 14171

Majority 48

On Tuesday, the Strathbogie case occupied the Assembly. Dr. Cook moved- " That the Assembly, having considered the petitien and complaint of the seven ministers listers from the Presbytery of Strathbegie egoinst the sentence of the tions ministers of the Church of Scotland, that in pronouncing this.Commission, suspending, them from their pastoral r1;1 ; ions sentence, the Commission have acted ultra rim:, in exceeding the powers. granted by the Assembly ; reverse and rescind the said sentence, gad the ukolr proceedings connected therewith, declaring them to he null and void."

The Prot:lir:nor of the Church proposed a countor-resolution- " That the General Assembly, having heard counsel for the Presbytery, find

that the Commission did not exceed its powers; dismiss the pethilin and com- plaint ; and find and declare that the seen ministers of the Presbytery of Stratithogic have been duly suspended from their ecclesiastical functions, ia terms of the sentence of the Commission."

On a division there appeared-- For Pr, Cook's motion 1.1:1 For the Procurator's 22.7 Majority On Wednesday, Dr. Chalmers moved a series of resolutions con- demnatory of Lord Aherdeeit's Bill. Sir George Clerk, avho seems to have left London on purpose, spoke at length in supLort of thin 11;11. The debate was adjourned to Thursday.