30 MAY 1857, Page 9



The transactions of the week in National Stocks have been extremely limited ; up to yesterday prices had continued almost stationary—Console, 931 as they opened on Monday. Yesterday, a sudden rise of I per cent took place ; which, however, was not supported towards the afternoon. A telegraphic announcement from Trieste of very unfavourable exchanges I from China caused Consols to fall back to 94, sellers. Today there is a still heavier market. The Government Broker, who has for the last fortnight made daily purchases of 30,000/. Exchequer Bills, did nothing this morning; in addition to which, several "Bulls" have been closing their accounts, preparatory for the approaching settling. Money has been in, good steady demand all the week, but without particular pressure, at the

Account, and 94 I for July. Reduced, 921 }. Bank Stock, 212

average rate of 6jper cent. Consols close at 93[1 for Money, 93 for the14. Ex eh uer Bills 3 arch, 4s. 7s. pm.; Ditto June, 2a. 4a. pm. The thin attendance at the Stock Exchange usual during "the Derby" week, in sonic measure accounts for the languil state of the markets. Dealings in Foreign Securities have not been of great importance : the market has been particularly quiet. Attention has been chiefly given to Turkish and Mexican ; other Stocks are generally heavy, with little variation. Sardinian, 91 92; Brazilian, 100 101; Russian Four-and-a-half r Cent, 97 98. Turkish Stock has improved about per cent since. last week : the Six per Cents are quote at 9416; Ditto Four per Cent Guaranteed, 101} 103. Mexican Bonds have advanced per cent, and close at 22/ 3/. Foreign Railway Shares have been inanimate, and business has been almost at a stand-still throughout the week. Paris and Lyons closes at 68U. of the

Central of France, 24} I. There has been a disposition on pa

French to give a rise to these share.; but it has failed, and the market closes dull. Orleans, 67 58' Sambre, Si I. The English Railway Market has presented no particular feature this week. Prices have been heavy, and Contangos ruled rather high for the half-monthly settling, yesterday' but no great pressure for money was exhibited. The last quotation in Midland is 83e 1; Great Western, 661 1; London and North-Western, 104?; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 100t Aberdeen, 261; Dover, 24 1 ; Brighton, 111 112; Caledonian, 36 f ; showing an average fall of i per cent all round.

Great Western of Canada leaves off at 24 f. A call of 2/. 10s., amounting to 195,262/., on the New Shares, falls due tomorrow. The market quotation is now le 2 premitun, 10/. paid.


A decrease or 48,782/. is shown in this week's return of the Bank stock of bullion. The Markets have opened dull this morning, at a slight decline upon the closing prices of last night : Consols, 94 1 ; Reduced, 921 1. In Foreign Stocks and Railway Shares there is a complete absence of bun'less, but quotations are all a shade lower.


The Funds close k per cent higher than at the opening. Consols, after being sellers 93 11-16, close tender buyers at 93e. 'Business in the Foreign Market has been limited, prices show little alteration. Joint Stock Banks have been dealt in rather freely. The last aerations were at the following prices—Caledonian, 74; Great Western, 601; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 1001; London and North-Western, 104; London and South-Western, 98f; Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire, 421 ; Norfolk, 63; North-Eastern

At the annual meeting of the Oriental Bank proprietors, on Monday, a dividend and bonus equivalent to 7 per cent for the last six menthe were declared.

At the meeting of the proprietors of the National Bank, on Wednesday, the report and accounts were adopted. It was stated that the Directors are not indebted to the bank one shilling, and that a careful examination has hewn that the share-register is quite correct.

The dividend of the Ionian Bank is at the usual rate, 6 per cent ; but the condition of the Bank is improved, the profits gradually becoming larger.

At a meeting of the Mercantile Bank of India, London, and China, held at Bombay in March, a dividend was declared at the rate of 8 per cent per annum, and 11,497/. carried to the reserve-fund.

The dividend of the Trust and Loan Company of Upper Canada is at the rate of 71 per cent per annum.

The prospectus of the Smyrna Railway has been issued. The line is. seventy miles in length, from Smyrna to Aidin, the principal internal entre* of the commercial productions of Aka Minor. The proposed capital is 1,200,0001., and the Turkish Government guarantee 6 per cant: all profits over 7 per cent are to be divided with the Government.

Berw tek, 87; Ditto Leeds, 41-} ; Ditto York, 67*; Eastern of France, 20

Grand Trunk of Canada, A Issue, 63; Great Western of Canada, 2 Great Luxembourg Constituted Shares, 61. Joint Stock Banks—Austr

aida, $71 ; City 63; London and Westminster, 49' Western Bank of London, 401. Miscellaneous—Australian Agricultural, 191; London General Omnibus Company, 31; Peel River Land and Mineral, 2.