30 MAY 1868, Page 22

Donald Roy. 3 vols. By the Author of the Curate

of Sadbrooke. (Saunders, Otley, and Co.)—Early in the first volume a Scotch baronet fastens into the cabin of a sinking ship his niece, a young lady with basilisk eyes, whom be suspects of wishing to marry his son. This beginning seems to promise a tale of thrilling incident ; but the sequel, which tells us how she vowed vengeance, and did, or did not, obtain it (we are not quite clear which it was) is very tame. The improbabilities are of an uninteresting kind, as, for instance, when we find a young lady who fills the office of a companion keeping a banking account. There is, of course, a bigamy'; but the incident is introduced with the strictest pro- priety, and we can at least say of the tale that it will not hurt any readers who may be able to get through it.