30 MAY 1908, Page 2

A communication from the Paris correspondent of the Times printed

in Wednesday's issue draws attention to a statement made to a represehtative of the Mafia by Herr von Holstein, "the ex-Sphinx of the Wilhelmstrasse." Herr von Holstein, it may be remembered, although he lived in almost complete seclusion, and though his name was hardly known outside the German Foreign Office, exercised till his fall from power about three years ago an enormous influence over the external policy of Germany. It is possible that even now his influence behind the veil is as strong as ever. Rumour, indeed, whispers that Prince Billow can do nothing in foreign affairs without his advice. In his statement to the Malin Herr von Holstein said one or two very shrewd things, as, for instance, that "hatred between nations is a luxury the

cost of which is incalculable." He expects, therefore, that the time will come when hatred will be put an end to as a use- less expense. At the same time, France must remember that no revision of the Treaty of Frankfort--i.e., the Treaty under which the provinces passed to Germany—is possible. On the situation generally, Herr von Holstein expressed his opinion that the present peace had a very good chance of longevity.