30 MAY 1908, Page 23

Printers' Pie. (The Sphere and the Taller Office, is. net.)—

The Pie is bigger and better than ever. Rich ingredients, ad- mirable compounding, and tasty serving-up produce as attractive a dish as could be desired. If we are to make a choice where a choice is specially difficult, we should say that the pictures are particularly to be praised. This section has the advantage that what we have seen before can be served up again without any objection. We may say that Printers' Pie is made for the benefit of the "Printers' Pension Corporation." Who should be more grateful to the printer than the journalist whom he interprets to the world, and whom he so often saves from him- self ? Everything about it is a labour of love, and it is satis- factory to learn that the public have not been behind in showing their appreciation of work which is so good in every way. In. 1903, when the Pie was served up for the first time, the public demand was for ten thousand ; last year it was a hundred thousand. This year a hundred and fifty thousand have been provided, and the supply is already exhausted.