30 MAY 1908, Page 23


[Under this heading we notice such Books of the week as have not bun reserved for review in other forms.] Down with the Tariff! a Tale of Free-Trade. By Lady Bell. (A. L. Humphreys. ls.)—It may be remembered that during the stress of the Fiscal agitation in 1903 an able political romance entitled Down with the Sign! a Tale of Free-Trade, by " Emptor," was published and noticed in these columns. This striking parable has now been reproduced under the present title, the author's name, that of Lady Bell, being on the title-page. We can only repeat here what we said in 1903,—namely, that the book is a most moving and vivid allegory, and shows the author's power of getting not only .to the heart of the economic situation as regards Free-trade, but also at the heart of the moral issues involved. We hope Lady Bell's little book will have a very great number of readers. It certainly deserves it.