30 MAY 1925, Page 15


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIRS I Was so much interested in an account of the way in which Lord Guilford's agent at Sandwich had lighted his house with electricity, although it stands apart from other houses, that I wrote and asked him for particulars, which he most kindly sent me, and which I will now try to summarize shortly for the benefit of your readers who may be similarly circumstanced. He first decided to put up a " Ventimotor," or small windmill obtained from specialists in London, rather more than a year ago, which cost him, erected in his garden, about £100. It stands sixteen feet from the ground, is not at all unsightly, has very clear dials to indicate the state of the batteries, which are placed on a shelf in an outhouse near by, and has withstood with ease the winter gales which have been more than usually violent. The result has been that Mr. Robinson has had an admirably lit house, has done away with all his old lamps, and has been able to keep not only his own accumulators recharged, but also from time to time those of several of his friends, and all this without the " Ventimotor " having cost him in upkeep one single penny. This is surely an unusually cheap way of obtaining the benefits of electrical power.—I am, Sir, &c.,