30 MAY 1925, Page 17


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]

SIR,—May I interpose a word or two of caution ? Although there is considerable evidence that iodine can act as a pre- ventive of goitre, especially in certain districts, there is very little to support the contention that it can cure anything except the smallest and simplest of goitres (and only certain of these), and I am sure harm will be done by giving sufferers from goitre false hopes of a cure by medical'means and induce them to postpone necessary operations.

It must not be forgotten that nearly every case of can- cerous goitre begins in what is called a simple thyroid enlarge- ment. Your correspondent, " Saracen," asks if iodine can cure exophthalmic goitre. It cannot, though it is true that considerable temporary improvement may follow in a certain number of cases, but on the other hand harm may easily ensue if this remedy be used indiscriminately.—I am, Sir, &c.,

64 Harley Street, W. 1.

CECIL A. Jou..