29 MAY 1947, Page 16


SIR,—The "Director of Foreign Affairs" of the American magazine Newsweek is concerned in a recent issue about the growing hostility of British public opinion against America. He does not ask why this unfavourable trend is developing (it only exists in the New Statesman and Nation school of thought, in any case), but as The Spectator is read in America, will you permit me, Sir, to inform him that the disgraceful action of certain powerful United States newspapers in printing full- page advertisements, written by a notorious Hollywood Jew, inciting further acts of terrorism by Jewish thugs in Palestine has aroused feel- ings of the deepest resentment in this country? The same papers, in- cluding the New York Times, are now publishing full-page advertise- ments decrying our policy in the Sudan. Meanwhile, we read of twenty-four white Americans being declared innocent of the loathsome charge of lynching a negro—even though the prosecuting counsel had obtained signed confessions from the majority of the prisonersl—I am,