29 MAY 1947, Page 27


[A Book Token for one guinea will be awarded to the sender of the first correct solutam of this week's crossword to be opened after noon on Tuesday week rune 10th. Envelopes must be received not later than first post that day and muse bear the word "Crossword," the NUMBER of the puzzle and a 21d. stamp. Solutions must be on the form below, and none can be accepted from the U.S.A. The solution and the name of the winner will be published in the following issue.]

WIMINIMIII•11 NMI 111111••111•1111• 111110111111 111111111111•••• RR NEM •

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1. Byron enjoyed one of them on Lake Leman. (13.)

9. Pair Venus (anag.). (9.) 10. It's impossible to get this lily in Scot- land. (5.) 11. May be found in a thermos ulti- mately. (5.) 12. Not of the chosen. (9.) 13. Waterlogged bishopric in metre. (7.) 15. The mills of Blake. (7.)

17. He should be never at a loss for ex- perience. (7.)

19. Kipling's dress for fools was not motley. (7.) 21. They seem the right songs for darkies. (9.)

23. "And ever against eating - Lap me in soft Lydian airs" (Milton). (5.)

24. This Council was established by Maximilian I. (5.) 25. Boniface is obviously the man for the village team. (9.) 26. A 3 anticipation of the progress of science. (3, 6, 4.)


2. Puss's contribution to the cult of beauty. (9.) 3. See 26. (5.) 4. The series is certain. (7.) 5. Sub-cutaneous relationship of two of Kipling's ladies. (7.) 6. They get the stick in play. (9.) 7. A painter of obviously lasting repu- tation. (5.)

8. Richard is directed to the bar in Wales. (6.) 9. Wet shoes. 5.) 14. Leopard's bane. (9.)

16. Not too much of it! (3, 6.) 17. Obviously not the girl for Mr. Shin- well. (6.) 18. "When you are old and grey and full of sleep and - by the fire" (Yeats). (7.) 19. Made for a catch. (7.) 20. He has nothing to gain. (5.) 22. - Roister Ooister. (5.) 23. A claw for Kim. (5.)