30 NOVEMBER 1833, Page 12

VESTRIS has likewise brought out another new burletta at the

Olympic, called Hush-Money. It is written by DANCE; and is, we hear, exceedingly droll, and one of the author's most successful hits ; but we have not as yet had an opportunity of enjoying the fun. LISTON plays Touchwood, a silly and sensitive old bachelor, in love with Sally Stocks (Mrs. ORGER), a buxom coquette and clear-starcher ; and KEELEY Tom Tiller, a waterman, his success- ful rival in the affections of Sally; whose mistress, Mrs. Crab (Mrs. TAYLEURE), sets her cap at him, and her tongue at Sally. The audience is kept in a roar from the beginning to the end ; when LISTON in his facetious way announces its repetition.