30 NOVEMBER 1839, Page 4


The Government papers announce that Lord Auckland is to be made an Earl, by the title of Earl of Auckland and Viscount Eden ; Sir John Keane, to be a Peer, title not yet known ; Mr. M`Naghten and Colonel Pottinger, to be Baronats ; General Sale to be K.C.B. ; Colonel Wade to be Knighted, and 1'.B.; Captain Thompson to have some honour, not yet decided upon.

It is reported that the Marquis of Anglesea is to be created Duke of Mona.

'We understand that Lord Kinnaird is to be appointed Master of her Majesty's Buckhouods.

We hear that the Earl of Sefton and the Earl of Sandwich have both declined accepting the vacant appointment of Master of the Buck- hounds.—Brifpfdon Gazette.

The Lord Chancellor has named the following gentlemen Commis- sioners to inquire into the state of the "laws relating to Bankrupts and Insolvent Debtors and the administration thereof"—Mr. Justice Erskine, Mr. Commissioner Evans, Mr. Commissioner Fonblanque, Mr. Holroyd, Mr. Commissioner Law (of the Insolvent Debtors' Court), Mr. W. Crawford, M.P., Mr. W. Ellis, M.P., Mr. Benjamin Hawes, M.P., Mr. J. A. Mulkey, Mr. C. J. Glyn, and Mr. Horsley Palmer.

Mr. George Wingrove Cooke, author of the Whiggish " Historp of Party" has been appointed an Assistant Tithe Comnnssioner.