30 NOVEMBER 1839, Page 7


Smex Evert %NM.: , Famtv FM RNOCIN.

There was an extreme pressure for money dltring

t .1e early pant of the week. and until yesterday there was a general iltilispositioli among capitalists to discount on any terms. This feeling originated in the belief that the Bank of England would depart from its usual custom anml forbear to issue the customary notice as to their willingness to make advances upon negotiable securities during the period for which the books of the Government Stocks are closed for the Divi- dends. After the meeting of the Directors yesterday, however, the following,

notice appeared; and there has consequently been to-day much more I:lenity in obtaining discounts and advances of money.

.'Banff' of Enehmtl, 214th November 1839.

" The Governor and Company of the Bank of England are realy. lull if further bulls of exchange notiee, Ii, receive applicatioas ror lomis m the deposit of ii it

not ha‘itc; more than six months to rim; 10ails to be repaid on or before the 17t1t January next, with interest at 6 per cent. per annum, and to be for sums of nut le..e 1Inta 2,0001. each," It will be remarked that tlie wording, of this notice gi ces the 1)irectors the opportunity of raising the rate of interest upon any loans that inay fue made miller the terms of it, in case a rise in the rate of discount should take place before the 17th of January next: it is, however, generally undenstood, that the words " until thriller notice " are merely precautionary, and that there is no probabilitY of any auganentation of the or.,elt rate of interest. When the inter- est was raised in July last to 5P CT cent., mud: discontent sVa,,exv:,:.--i,1 by those persons who had made loans at the lower rate; and it is to at ii a like reproach, should circtunstances force a similar course mein the Direetors new, Diet tifese words have been introduced. The English Stock ii lar'aet has till to-day been firm ; and all the current Government Securities were one time at an improve- meet el' if per cent. upon cur lest prices. The a the Consol .'c- commit took place on Wednesday ; and though tit: coidinuation or premium

paid for holding Stock over to the January Ace.ratit was high., viz. p.n cent., the market improved on the Account-day ; a anemia of' st.el. having; been taken off die market by an eminent mereant ;le huh LI I it course of yesterday, however, the market gave way per eon.; and the fei!ere of a.

-spec:II:nor has caused a decline of another )1 : thtlt prilYS bum vu gone brick the whole of the late rise. Bank :11111 imlia Sto..!: are ituchan!:ad ; and Ex- ciii, ill Hilt-. which liii 11nctuatell bet wren 7s. and 4s. ills., are tu-day at 2.5.

lndia Bonds have been leveed at Si. dis. in the Foreign 31arket, the Northern European ant1Dividen,:lrl■h:g Stocks have, with the exception of Brazilian, all improved ; whiie the tio.-r:ly specu- lative 13onds have on the contrary experienced a serious decline. Th, depres- sion of the Spanish Stock has been the greatest ; there hcitf.,: i1.;:l..rence of 3 per cent, behvecat the highest and low:•st quotations. '1 hue delay of EseAn- T Eno's operations, and the Inditical difficulties 1.y which the C.:Cu:11,1 iif Aladrid is beset, have cansyd a nu:Mier of It elders of Stock to :,..11; runt as many specu- lators have ad=o t,iken fright, the quantity of Sto,d; thrown upon the market has cau=cil the lepression alluded to, by forcing the price down front 211 to 23. Two fililfires have been the consequence of this state of things ; time one of an old member of the Stock Exchange, aml the other of an out-door sieculator. The intelligence from sloth' received to-day has been of a Inure favourable character, nail an improvement of 1I2 per cent. lies taken plaee; the closing quotation being 2-11..

Portuguese :Meets have declined abaut 1 per cent. Brazilien, Columbian, and ie the seine degree.

The pressure for money has been very severe in the Stock Exchange to- day ; and rat.. s of interest varying from 1 0 to 20 per cent. have been paid by the speculator, ba carry over their accounts in Spanish, Portuguese. 811.1 Co- lumbian Stocks. There has been but little pressare in the liatelt or lkaziliait market ; and all the 1)ividend-peying Bends seem to be well hail The late fall in Spanish ',tee% to 23. which marks a depreciation of 11 per cent front the highest puler of the recent rise, 11..s givea a severe el:c..k to speculation; and the market is now in a more healthy :A.:1-e than it iiie• been for Caine time.

Svrette.',7, The English Ftinjs were heavy at the commencement of bminess: but 3 pur-

chaee of 10,1,0o0 Consols for Tuesday given firmness to the market, which- lets improved the price for :11 aney Leingi.10.1 and that tie Atom lit 91a Exciu,v,... Bills are at 4s. to 2s uli.. and india Boiels es. ilk. The non- arrival of the French mail, mcl . rtl!-,co.cc 9.11 freer lel; put e still to the peweedings of the Spanish speculators, awl the transactions in that Stunk have been few and unimportant : the little business that bas been done has, however, been at improved prices, the rt.:sent quota-

tion of Active Stock being 2-1,-1 -1, an advance of per cent. upon the closing price of yesterday. Portuguese Bonds are ;xis.) tinnier ; :nal the. other

South _lineriemi heavy, while DIL:ch, al;.1 1).1111,11, :u.e at yes- terday's prices. Very little business of any kind has, how,ver, ocean-. 1. S vritu iv, ■■• Do: I •,11111 .T:111.) p.7 ( ents 3 pei. caw. St); 1 Cohaal-a u, 6 per Cete.s. :291.

:SI per Ceti!, Ibt*o 7.; 4 New For Coots Out 5';', 0

71 't7111 iii.r Ce,11.‘

11.0c', per Co,a.

k.A.c.ivc) 24;