30 NOVEMBER 1844, Page 9



The Bank Directors have issued the usual notice given at the period of

closing the books for the Dividends, stating their willingness to make loans upon the deposit of approved securities in sums of not less than 2,000/. each,

at an interest of 2i per cent per annum, such loans to be repaid on the 17th

January next. This notice differs from its numerous precursors in nothing but the rate of interest, which is now the same as that of the Bank rate of dis-

count, whereas it usually was from to 1 per cent higher. The intelligence of the probable election of Mr. POLK to the Presidency of the United States, and its supposed consequences, induced many speculators to sell Stock in anticipa- tion of a fall; and the market declined about per cent on Monday. It has since recovered itself, the price of Consols for Money closing today at 100-/

Some large sales of Three per Cent Reduced and Three-and-a-quarter per Cents have also occurred ; while Consols seem to have been the favourite Stock for investment. Three-and-a-quarter per Cents were at one time as low as

102; and the difference between Consols and Reduced Three per Cents has frequently been nearly 1 per cent, so great has been the demand for the former. Much of this has arisen from the operations of small capitalists, who very fre- quently buy Stock just before the closing the books, in the belief that thereby they profit to the whole extent of the dividend,—forgetting that as soon as the

books are closed the full amount of the dividend is deducted from the price.

For some time, however, the buoyancy of the Money-market, aided by the re- investment of the Dividends, has been such, that the Government Funds have

generally risen between the interval of closing the books and their reopening, to the full amount of the dividend ; and the buyers have realized accordingly. Bank Stock has risen again about 1 per cent, viz. to 207 ; and India Stock is

once more quoted at 288. Money, although in demand upon the security of Foreign Stocks and Shares, is plentiful on that of English Stock ; and the re- cent measure of the Bank must keep the rate of discount at from 2h to 3 per cent for some time to come.

In the Foreign Market, the business has not been of a very important cha- racter; neither has the improvement in the English Funds led, as is frequently

the case, to any speculative purchases of the Northern European, Dutch, and better class of Foreign Bonds. It would appear that our capitalists generally are waiting to see the effect of the French Loan upon the Money-market.

Mexican Bonds have improved from to 1 per cent. Portuguese Bonds not only maintain their recent quotations, but are current at a slight advance. Spanish Stock has improved again, and closes about per cent higher than the lowest quotation ot the week ; the intelligence today utterly negativing the re- ports of ZURBANo'S success. The business transacted in Railway Shares has been of an unusually exten- sive character. Those of the French lines, both new and old, have been in the greatest demand, principally on account of the large purchases made here for the Paris market, where the mania for railway speculation appears to rage most furiously. Some of our own neglected lines have emerged frotn the shade of discount to the glare of premium, and are getting into favour again. The spe- culation appears to be chiefly confined to the newer varieties: the older and more important lines appear to be neglected, and then prices are nearly the same as they were last week.

SATURDAY, Two O'CLOCK. The English Funds bare experienced a slight depression, occasioned by a mile by the Chancery broker, and Consols for Money have been as low as 100 #. The Market hae rallied again, and closes nominally at the morning's quo- tations ; at which, however, it is feeble. The only change worth noticing in the Foreign Market is a trifling increase in the demand for Mexican and Spanish Bonds ; these securities closing firmly at a slight advance upon our morning's quotations.

We have to notice the following bargains in Railway Shares, in addition to those given in the morning : Bristol and Exeter, 70 ; Bristol and Gloucester, 354 # ; Eastern Counties, in I ; Edinburgh and Glasgow, 62; Blackwell, 6&; Brighton, 48 7i ; South-western, 80 ; Ditto, Eighth-shares, 2# ; Manchester and Birmingham, 51/ ; Newcastle and Darlington Junction, 61; South-

eastern and Dover, 37# 8 : South Devon, and Havre, 22j; Paris and Lyons, 3#

10# I; York Direct, 411 6; Rouen Boulogne and Amiens, 5.

3 per Cent Consols.. 1001 I Colombian ex Venezuela ... 134 14 Ditto for Account 1001 Danish 3 per Cents 80 9 3 per Cent Reduced 991 100 Dutch 24 per Cents 62f 3 3* per Cents 1024 I Ditto 5 per Cents 99X Long Aanuities 12 1-16 Ditto 4 per Cents 96* it Bank Stock 207 8 Mexican 5 per Cents Count. 361 I Exchequer Bills prem 51' 9 Ditto Deferred 161 I India Stock 286 8 Poi tuguese New 5 p. Cts.1841 556 Brazilian 5 per Cents 87 9 Russian 5 per Cents 1181 194.

Belglan 44 per Cents 1014 24 Spanish (Active)5 per Cents 244 I Milan 6 per Cents 100 2 Ditto 3 tier Cents 1842 351 I

3semussr. Twszva O'OLOCE. There is no change or business of importance occurring in either the Eng- ish or Foreign Puede, and prices are the same as yesterday.

The Railway transactions are on the usual extensive scale, but without any material change in prices; as will be seen by the following record of bargains actually occurring : Bristol and Gloucester, 35 per Share; Great Southern and Western, 8# ; Great Western, 142 1; Blackwell, 6#; South-western, 79 8# ; Croydon, 16# ; Newcastle and Darlington Junction, 60 2; Norwich and Bran- don, 12#: South-eastern and Dover, New, 111; York and North Midland, 1034; Ditto, Half-shares, 52; Ditto and Scarborough, 32; Ditto and Selby, Scrip, 67; Ditto, Extension, 13/ ; Paris and Orleans, 41i ; Paris and Rouen, 39# 11; Orleans and Bourcleauz, 6# ; Ditto and Vierzon, 11#; Boulogne and Amigo., 4# /.