30 NOVEMBER 1867, Page 2

Mr. Jacob Bright has been elected at Manchester by a

very large majority over his Conservative opponent, Mr. Alderman Bennett. Mr. Jacob Bright received 8,260 votes, Mr. Alderman Bennett 6,499, and Mr. Henry (who does not appear to have stood seriously, bit perhaps as preparation for the next election) only 642. Mr. Jacob Bright defined his political faith as being in all things modelled on Mr. Cobden's, which does not strike us as creditable to his political wisdom. Mr. Cobden, like many original men, was full of crotchets which it was no discredit to him to hold, but which would be rather silly for another man to copy. Mr. Jacob Bright's style of speaking is more like his brother's than Mr. Cobden's—strong, vehement, effective Saxon, with a touch of passion in almost every sentence. He.gained much, and justly, in his contest by an attempt of the Conservative candidate to make capital out of the supposed " breadth," or perhaps heresy, of his religious opinions.