30 NOVEMBER 1867, Page 2

So afraid are President Johnson's friends of the effect of

his untutored rhetoric, that they have induced him to answer a "serenade," given him by the Military and Naval Conservative. Society, by reading a written paper, an act which in speech- making America is ,considered an imbecility. Even in writing, however, Mr. Johnson cannot be temperate, and in his answer he alludes to Congress as a despotism, and talks of the people "rescu- ing" " the violated Constitution. It must be remembered that the existing majority in Congress will outlast him, as his term of - office ends in March, 1869, and the majority in Congress cannot be overthrown till December of that year. The Presidential election comes on in November, 1868, and as yet there are only three politicians named as having a chance, General Grant (dark horse); Mr. Chase (Radical) ; Mr. Seymour (Democrat).