30 NOVEMBER 1934, Page 1

Rumours from Germany Rumours of unsettlement in Germany have been

more than usually rife in the past week, most of them postu- lating a divergence of view between the Reiehswehr chiefs and the head of the Nazi party. In a country where nothing but the official versions of facts are allowed circulation the spread of rumour is inevitable, and in this ease there is no good reason to believe that the Reiehswehr is projecting an incursion into politics— though no doubt there arc circumstances in which it would not hesitate to use its strength with effect. But the vehemence of the official denials given on Tuesday to various current rumours, both about the Reiehswehr and about the food situation, points to a certain uneasi- ness on the part of the Government. There is no question that subterranean discontent is widespread, but it is only in the ecclesiastical sphere that conflicts of view can find open expression, and since the virtual repudiation of Reichsbishop Muller by Herr Hitler the activity of the independents cannot be represented as directed in any way against the 'regime. The seizure by the police on Sunday of the Reichsbishop's own paper was a startling revelation of the attitude of Herr Hitler towards his original nominee. The German Protestant Church has by no means taken its final form, but it is quite certain that it will never take the form Dr. Muller would have given it. * * *