30 NOVEMBER 1934, Page 3

An Appeal from Labrador The article by Sir Wilfred Grenfell

on a later page gives a vivid picture of the achievements of a life spent in the service of men about whom no one else was troub- ling till Sir Wilfred took his medical knowledge to the Labrador coast more than forty years ago. But even a lifetime so spent must eventually have its end, and the least that admirers of a unique record of devotion and heroism—qualities not evoked by war only—can do is to see to it that the work, whatever hands may guide it, is not in the future narrowed in scope or weakened in effect by lack of funds. An endowment of at least £10,000 is needed, and an attempt is being made to raise part of that sum at a special matinee to be attended by the Duke and Duchess of York at the Victoria Palace on December 13th. 'Full particulars of this, and tickets, (.an be obtained at the London office of the Grenfell Association, 66 Victoria Street, S.W.. Donations may be sent to the same address. We cordially support Sir Wilfred Grenfell's appeal and commend his work to the generosity of our readers.