30 NOVEMBER 1951, Page 5

The price of various journals continues to advance. This week

Picture Post, which was originally 3d. and quite recently 4d., has moved up from 5d. to 6d., increased costs being, of course, the reason. No reference is made in the current issue—perhaps there has not been time—to the Archbishop of Canterbury's trenchant comments on the series of sex articles which has recently been appearing in Picture Post. Its editor's contention that sex is a subject which can be discussed like any other im- portant aspect of human relations is perfectly sound up to a point, but when the Archbishop submits that some of the things said in these articles " went entirely beyond the decencies of what may be said in ordinary conversation or printed in a journal designed for general circulation," I am bound to agree with him unreservedly. Dr. Fisher says he does not know what motives led Picture Post to publish this series. Perhaps not ; but he could.