30 OCTOBER 1841, Page 21


AmuntaLvv. Oct. 26.-With reference to the Gazette Extraordinary of the fith inst. and to the Gazette of the 15th lust. the following additional Naval Promotion of Of- ficers who served with the Army in taking the Heights at Canton, from the 23d to the 30th May, has taken place. Lient. C. C. Dawkins, her Majesty's ship Blenheim, to be Commander ; Lieut. W. C. Metcalfe, her Majesty's ship Blonde, to be Com- mander; Lord A. W. Beauelerk. Mate, her Majesty's ship Blenheim, to be Lieut.; G. Walker, Mate, her Majesty's ship Blonde. to be Lieut. ; W. R. Rolland, Mate, her Majesty's ship Blonde, to be Lieut. ; A. C. C. Denny, Mate, her Ma esty's ship Blenheim, to be Lieut.; W. II. Symons, Mate, her Majesty's ship Blenheim, to be Lieut.