30 OCTOBER 1847, Page 11



Our Paris correspondent informs us that the King of the French pre- sided in person at the Cabinet Council held on Wednesday at St. Cloud. The question of an armed intervention in Switzerland was again discussed, and way, it is said, advocated by M. Duchatel and M. Guizot. The Minister of War did not share the opinion of his two colleague on some essential points. At all events, the King is disposed to employ every possible means towards effecting a reconciliation, conjointly with Austria. The French commercial cities in the vicinity of Switzerland, such as Lyons, Dijon, Va- lence, Grenoble, &c., complain of an interruption of their intercourse with that country.—Aforning Chronicle.

The Swiss Diet held a secret sitting on the 24th instant; and it is under- stood that a vote was passed to organize at once an army of 50,000 men for action. The Commissioners sent to the Cantons of the Separate League had all returned, having received the same answer as that which we have already reported in the case of Lucerne.

The Gazette de France states that all the remaining members of queen Christina's household left Paris on Monday, for Madrid: another mint says that "her eight children are on their way to join her."

It was reported in Paris on Thursday, that the cholera had manifested itself at Cracow.