30 OCTOBER 1852, Page 8



The English Stock Market has been in an exceedingly quiescent state throughout the week ; and the only variation which Consols have experienced has been alternately buyers and sellers at 1001, leaving off this afternoon at 1001 11. There has been nothing of an exciting nature to encourage specu- lation. Bank Stock has advanced 11. Exchequer Bills have not altered. India Stock has declined 1 per cent. In Foreign Stocks, only a limited amount of business has been transacted, but prices on the average have been maintained. The attention has been much directed towards Turkish and Swedish Scrip : the variations in both have been considerable. The former, jvhich closed on Saturday at 41 5premium, commenced on Monday at 4t, and after transactions at 31 to 44 , left off st i ; oil Tsiesse,sy varier between 8 and 81, the fins! '',Int.tott being 3 1: on Wednesday it open- ed at 4, was done as low as 24, closing as on the previous day : on Thurs- day it experienced the greatest depression, as well as the most extensive variations. The first price was 2, it rallied to 51, and closed at 41 51 pre- mium. The operations were of course influenced daily by the nature of the intelligence received. On Monday, telegraphic information arrived from Constantinople to the 14th instant, stating that the loan had not only been repudiated, but that remittances would be sent by French and English steamers of the 16th and 19th instant to reimburse the first instalment. It was then expected that a Committee of Stecirtiipholders would be formed in this country to protect their rights and appeal for aid in the proper quarter. The Committee of the Stock Exchange had farther correspondence with

Messrs. Devaux,and Co., the contractors ; but it led to no satisfactory result, except that one letter furnished conclusive evidence of the liability of the Turkish Government, and rendered the evasion the more astounding. The Agent of the Bank of Constantinople had postponed the instalment due on the let November. On Tuesday there were telegraphic accounts to the 16th, instant, stating positively that the loan would not be ratified. Advices from Constantinople to the 18th arrived on Thursday, announcing, that although the ratification of the loan had been positively refused by the Sultan, the Bondholders would be indemnified by a payment to be made to them of

16,000,000 piastres (150,0001.) or 71 per cent on the total subscription of 2,000,0001. The fluctuations today have not been extensive : busi- ness has been transacted at 41, 51 41; the last price is 41 51 premium. The feeling aroused by the prospect of the Turkish Scrip has had an unfavour- able influence upon the Swedish Loan, which at its issue was at 3 premium. It began the week at 1 discount : on Tuesday it was at 11 discount, and on Wednesday was sold as low as 3 discount : on Thursday it rallied con- siderably with Turkish Scrip, commencing at 2 discount and closing at 1 dis- count to 1 premium ; which is also the price doday, with business done at I discount, par, 1, 1 discount. Dutch Four per Cents have fallen 1, Mexi- can is and Spanish Deferred f. Spanish Three per Cents and Sardinian are. 1 better. Railway Stocks have been in request this week from the commencement.. On Monday, prices closed with a firm appearance ; and although a slight re- action too place on Tuesday, there were improved quotations on Wednesday. The chief attention had on the latter occasion been occupied in the prepara- tion for the settlement of the Account on Thursday ; which having been arranged, a rise occurred in several of the leading Shares. London and North- western rose to 1221 ; London and South-western, to 911 21 ; London, Bright- on, and South Coast, to 106 7. At the close of business yesterday, the sm- provement in some of the leading lines compared with Saturday last was to the following extent—East Lancashire, 4/. ; Great Northern, 34 • Chester and Holyhead, Lancashire and Yorkshire, London and North-western, and Lon- don and South-western, 21. 10s. ; South-eastern, 1/. 158. ; Bristol and Exeter, Lancaster and Carlisle, and London, Brighton, and South Coast, 11. ; Midland, 15s.; Eastern Counties, and Great Western, 108. Foreign Shares have continued to command attention. French, Belgian, and East Indian descriptions, have been well supported : an improvement in the following lines has taken place—Northern of France, 2/. 10s. ; Paris and Orleans, 3/. ; Sambre and Meuse, 1/. 10s. ; Grand Junction of France, and Paris and Strasbourg, 11. 58.; Paris and Rouen, 1/. ; Rouen and Havre, 58.; Great Indian Peninsula and Madras, 2s. 6d. A fall of 1/. has taken place in West- ern of France, and 58. in Pans and Lyons. There is nothing to notice to- day in Foreign Lines ; but the English Railway Shares have continued firm, with a farther rise of 1/. in London and North-western, and 108. in Great Western.


In the English Stock Market, Consols, which left off yesterday after of- ficial hours at 1001 f t opened at the same price this morning ; but they have since declined 1, being now ma I for Money and Account. There is no business doing in Foreign Stocks, and the quotations are nominally the same as yesterday. Turkish Scrip is 41 51 premium ; and Swedish x dis- count to 1 premium : there has been no bargain yet recorded in either. In Railway Stocks there is very little movement at present. Great Southern and Western of Ireland have been done at 52, and Shrewsbury and Here- ford at 61.

SATURDAY Two o'CLocir..

In the English Stock Market the Funds have not altered ; Consols for Money and the Account being 1001 1, with very little business transacted. There has not been the least animation in Foreign. Stocks. The only altera- tion that has occurred has been in Turkish Scrip, which is rather lower, leaving off q f premium : the bargains have been at 41 1. Swedish 1 dis- count to 1 premium : no transaction in this Stock has been recorded in the

official list. .

Railway Shares leave off firm this afternoon, with an improvement in some of the leading Stocks. London and North-western have advanced ll. 58.. Aberdeen, 29/ ; Ambergate, Notts, Boston, and Eastern Junction, si ; Cale- donian, 53f ; Chester and Holyhead, 25f ; Eastern Counties, 12f ; Eastern Union,'Class B. and C. late E. U. Shares, 61; East Lancashire, 791; Great Northern,l 82; Ditto Half-shares, A Deferred, 47; Ditto Half-shares B 6 per Cent, 118; Great Southern and Western, (Ireland,) 51i; Great Western, 97 ; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 881 • London and Blackwell, 81; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 106 ; London and North-western, 1241; Ditto. , 10/. Shares, M. and B. C. 21; London and South-western, 941; Manchester; Sheffield, and Lincolnah&, 323; Midland, 791; Midland, Birmingham, and'Derby, 45; Norfolk 481 ; North British, 381 ; North Staffordshire, 13 ; South Devon, 22 ; South-eastern, 801; Thames Haven Dock and Railway, 21; York, Newcastle, and Berwick, 701; York and North Midland, 531; Buckinghamshire, 110; London and Greenwich, 14; Aberdeen No. 2, 7 per Cent, 41; Caledonian, 10/., 1021; Eastern Counties Extension New 6 per Cent Stock, 15; Eastern Union Scrip Guaranteed 6 per Cent, 171; Great Northern 5 per Cent, 126; Great Western, fixed 41 per Cent, 110 ; Ditto New Guaranteed 6 per Cent, 156 ; North British, 101; York and North Midland H. and S. Purchase, 101; East Indian, 281; Great Indian Peninsula, 71 ; Namur and Liege, 81; Northern of France, 341 • Paris and Lyons, 291; Paris and Strasbourg, 331 ; Rouen and Havre, IiinSambre and Meuse, Western10/ ; West Flanders, 44 Western of France, 171. es—Brazilian Cocaes and Cuiaba, 21; United Mexican, 8. Joint Stock Banks—British North American, 57; London and Westminster, 34. Miscellaneous—Royal Mail Steam, 781

3 per Cent Consols Ditto for Account 3 per Cent Reduced 34 per Cents Long Annuities Bank Stock Exchequer Bills India Stock Brazilian 5 per Cents Belgian 41 per Cents

= 6 per Cents Danish 5 per Cents. 1001 100ff

99 103 i 6

223 41 74 7 pm.

273 6 100 2 97 9 104 6 1041 51 Danish 3 per Cents Dutch 21 per Cents Ditto 4 per Cents Mexican 3 per Cents Peruvian 6 per Cents Portuguese 5 per Cents 1824 Russian 5 per Cents

Ditto 41 per Cents

Spanish 3 per Cents Ditto Deferred Sardinian 5 per Cents Austrian Scrip

82 4

64 5 951 61

liti I

101 2' 118 20

lei 51 514 2


97 84 44 5 pm..