30 OCTOBER 1959, Page 37


ACROSS I The lair muse (8) Music triumphs—al the latent (6) Encountered previously by the sound of it in a manner of speaking (8) 11) Bacon,. Madam? You'll find it rather hot! (6) 12 The dustman's dusty answer? (7)

13 'She faded 'midst -- !lowers, The last of that bright band' (Mrs; Heinans) (7) 14 Triton proclaims the %kind instru- ment's Infernal (7-5) 17 Should do excellently when pro- moted to the Sixth Form in the interval (7, 5) '12 Nymph of extemporisation (7) 23 Not so many pipers as in the Chilterns (7)

24 The device on a bantam's egg, no doubt (0) 25 Lo, grapes might be seen In them (8) 26 Seen in the padre's sympathy (6) 27 A couple of donkeys at home (8) DOWN I Prptluces negative results subject to development (6) 2 Discharge disappointing to tlw house-agent? (3, 3) 3 Says the model, deceptively (7) 4 Announcement that there is going to be a clam-bake? (12) 6 It's neck or nothing with these (7) 7 Wind instrument lull of sea that endured (8) 8 Half Christmas upset in Okla- homa (8) II Pyromaniacs might be useful domestically (12) 15 Holmes's band might have been musical! (8)

A first prize of a copy of Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary and a second prize of k book token for one guinea will be awarded to the senders of the first two correct solution. %cued on Nov. ILO. Address solutions: Crossword No. 1061,99 Gower St., London, WC I.

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary is recommended for Crosswords.

Solution on Nov. 13

16 He put a prohibition on Chester (8) 18 She makes me turn to the news- papers 17) 19 Sunburn.at the Indian city—figure it out (7) 20 Better on the square than at the dentist's (6) 21 He's upset at the end of rugger (6)

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