30 SEPTEMBER 1848, Page 10

The Dublin correspondent of the Morning Cfronicle announces the in-

tended departure of an emigrant body of superior class for Texas— "A little colony—consisting of some persona in the rank of gentry, one gen- tleman who bad been the representative for a South-eastern county, three jus- tices of the peace, and sundry farmers of the larger class, with persons who had been in mercantile pursuits or connected with banking establishments—is about to be established in Texas, whose lands have already been purchased. Amongst the Tex an colonists will be a clergyman of the Established Church, who has parted with his living, and sold off whatever property he possessed in this coun- try, and who is to become the pastor of the members of the Church of England in the new settlement. This new feature in Irish emigration is well deserving of attention, as an indication of a 'break up' among the gentry and the middle class as well as the rural population."