30 SEPTEMBER 1848, Page 11


Sive' Excuanov., FELDAY Arm:Noon.

The Bank proprietary seems to have been dismayed at its own audacity: the ballot of Wednesday has rescinded the vote of the previous week, and fallen back upon the n per cent dividend. It would appear, however, that the Directors will not be allowed to repose upon the Rest; as Mi.. Alderman Salomons has given notice of a motion to consider the propriety of dividing it among the Stockholders. Since the meeting, Bank Stock has been done at 193 ex-dividend--equivalent to a quotation with dividend of 196i: the decline has consequently been about 2 per cent. The English Government Securities have been heavy, especially during this afternoon, when, from the pressure of Stock upon the market, money was in greater demand than it has been for some time, and interest at the rate of 3 per cent per annum was paid for loans for short periods upon the security of English Stock.. The general result of the week's business has been to establish the quo- tations of today within per cent of those of last Saturday; the last price for Money being 851 6, and for Account 86h. In the course of the week the quota- tions have been from to per cent below these prices. The Foreign Market continues in an inactive state. Some feeble indications of business have been occasionally observable in Mexican and Portuguese Bonds; and the prices of these securities have advanced, but not materially. Some slight in- quiry has also occurred for Spanish Stock, in consequence of the currency of a re- port that a renewal of diplomatic intercourse between this Government and that of Madrid might be shortly expected. But the momentary impulse thus given has died away without causing any continued increase of business or variation in price.

The Market for Railway Shares was well supported till within the last day or two; and though no improvement had occurred upon the advanced quotations of last week, the fluctuations ranged within a trifle of the limits then noted. With the approach of the settlement of the Share Account which occurred both yester- day and today, a decline of from 11. to 31. took place in the more important lines, and a corresponding depression is observable in the minor varieties. The market, though not so low as it was a fortnight ago, is in a very depressed state; and we cannot remark any indication of the pressure having reached its limit.

The accounts of the Bank of England for the week ending the 23d September exhibit when compared with those of the preceding week, the following results-

Blair-IN..; DEPARTMENT. Increase. Decrease.

Rest 3,017 Public Deposits 602,862 Other Deposits £38,990 Seven-day and other Bills 9,254 Government Securities, including Dead-weight 100,433 Other Securities 38,437 Notes unissued 415,060

Actual Circulation 376,365 Isms DEPARTMENT.

Notes issued 38,695

Ruilton 43,400 .77tis week. Last week.

Total Bullion in both Departments 13,865,091 13,821,681 Actual Circulation 17,311,005 17,687,370


There is no change in the English Funds. The only variation in the Foreign Market is in Mexican and Portuguese Bonds: the former are inquired for and the latter are in more active demand in consequence of an advertisement having appeared stating that the interest upon the " titalos" will be in the course of payment on and after Monday next. The Railway Shares are still heavy„ as the following transactions indicate: Aberdeen, 164; Caledonian, Preference, li; Great Northern, 4-/ f ; Great Western, 76; North Staffordshire, 81.

3 per Cent Consols 854 6 Danish 3 per Cents 68 70 Ditto for Account 864 Dutch 24 per Cents 441 54 3 per Cent Reduced shut Ditto 4 per Cents

704 li

34 per Cents shut Mexican 5 per Cents 1846... 174 i Long Annuities shut New Granada 11 12 Bank Stock shut Portuguese N.4 perCents 1842 23 25 Exchequer Bills 25 33 prem. Portuguese Old 1824 68 70 India Stock

Russian 5 per Cents 984 1004 Brazilian 5 per Cents

74 6

Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents

114 12 Belgian 41 per Cents 70 2 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 224 Buenos Ayres — Venezuela 14 16

• Chiltan 6 per Cents