30 SEPTEMBER 1865, Page 1

Indian journals of the 23rd August announce that final orders

have been issued for the invasion of Bootan, and capture of its capital, Poonakha. The Rajah, it is stated, seems still willing to come to terms, but as Toungso Penlow, the only real authority in the country, has withdrawn to eastern Bootau, his submission would make no difference. Seven thousand men and some fifteen thousand followers are therefore to enter the country, march 120 miles over rocks, amid snow, and through defiles in which two men cannot walk abreast, to Poonakha, and then—march back again. There is nothing to be done at Poonakha unless we annex, the Peulow caring no more for the loss of the capital than for the taking of Sebastopol. Sir John Lawrence is right in not despising his foes, but there is a difference between adequate preparation and the despatch of an army like this. The campaign opens in October.