30 SEPTEMBER 1893, Page 1

The profound belidf in the efficacy of falsehood which characterises

prominent men in South America renders all accounts from Brazil and Argentina more or less mislead- ing. There seems, however, to be a consensus that in Rio the factions are still fighting, and that part of the Army still adheres to President Peixoto. The great sufferers as yet are the peaceful people of Rio, who are destroyed spasmodically by the fire of the Fleet. The belief that Admiral de Mello is Monarchist is confirmed, but he is said to look for his Monarchy outside the House of Braganza, which is not wise. From Argen- tina the news is of incessant insurrection, all the Northern States being in revolt, and the insurgents having captured the rich city of Rosario. There is, however, a late rumour that the leaders of parties are thinking of compromise, and that a coalition Government will be formed, probably under a new President. There is little hope, we fear, of order without a -dictatorship, and the execution of most of the politicians.