30 SEPTEMBER 1911, Page 13


Sin,—The epitaph quoted by " C. L." at p. 416 of the Spectator of September 16th deviates in various ways from the version published in the Archbishop's collected poems and, in at least some of them, from the inscription on the tablet in Deny Cathedral. " C. L." notes that the young curate died of fever, but gives the third line

"When through the seven waves of fire they trod,"

instead of

" When through the fever's waves of fire they trod."

Fever was prevalent at the time in the back streets and slums of Londonderry. In the fifth line "these " should be "those." The other deviations are perhaps less important, but I venture to think they detract from the familiar wording, the beauty and fascination of which have been felt by many distinguished visitors to Derry Cathedral.—I am, Sir, &c.,