30 SEPTEMBER 1922, Page 21


[Notice in this column does not necessarily preclude subsequent revitte.1

The Spirit of Islam. By the Right Hon. Syed Ameer Ali. New Edition. (London : Christophers. 30s. net.)—The sudden emergence of Turkey into the political limelight gives a topical interest to this new edition of a book which has long been recognized as a very able and lucid presentation of Islam's true place in the history of religions. It is almost thirty years since this book was first published, and in the generation which has thus elapsed its author has won an unquestioned place as a trusted leader and mouthpiece of our Mohammedan fellow- subhcts in India. We know no better account of the rapid spread of Islam as a world-religion and "the remarkable hold it obtained over the conscience and minds of millions of people within a short space of time." The first part of the book is a concise narrative of the life and ministry of Mohammed, while the remainder regards separate aspects of the political, religious and social spirit of Islam. Besides thoroughly revising his work in the light of later years, the author has incorporated much new matter and added two chapters on "The Apostolical Succession" and the "Idealistic and Mystical Spirit in Islam."